Project News
India-EU holds workshop to strengthen student mobility and the use of educational consultants in India

26 September 2024

On September 10, 2024, the EU-funded India-EU Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility (CDMM) project co-implemented by ICMPD, held a Student Mobility Workshop in New Delhi, India. The workshop, focused on facilitating student mobility and understanding the ‘dichotomy’ of using educational consultants. 

On September 10, 2024, the EU-funded India-EU Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility (CDMM) project co-implemented by ICMPD, held a Student Mobility Workshop in New Delhi, India. The workshop, focused on facilitating student mobility and understanding the ‘dichotomy’ of using educational consultants. 

Project News
MOBILAZE 2 project concludes and celebrates its achievements in Azerbaijan's migration management

25 September 2024

The EU-funded and ICMPD-implemented “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” project held its closure event on 18 September 2024, celebrating the achievements and progress made in Azerbaijan's migration management efforts.

The EU-funded and ICMPD-implemented “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” project held its closure event on 18 September 2024, celebrating the achievements and progress made in Azerbaijan's migration management efforts.

Project News
ICMPD supports ensuring safety, security on Ukraine’s ‘green borders’

24 September 2024

The European Union is strengthening the safety on Ukraine’s ‘green borders’ with new equipment for more accurate data gathering, information exchange, risk analysis, and faster dispatching of border patrols in cases of violations or security threats. ICMPD’s EU4IBM-Resilience project is supporting the country’s State Border Guard Service (SBGS) to address illegal activities, including human trafficking and cross-border crimes.

The European Union is strengthening the safety on Ukraine’s ‘green borders’ with new equipment for more accurate data gathering, information exchange, risk analysis, and faster dispatching of border patrols in cases of violations or security threats. ICMPD’s EU4IBM-Resilience project is supporting the country’s State Border Guard Service (SBGS) to address illegal activities, including human trafficking and cross-border crimes.

Project News
SCOP 3.1 facilitates a study visit to Lithuania for Moldovan law enforcement agencies

23 September 2024

Between 16–19 September, ICMPD organised a study visit to Lithuania for the Moldovan law enforcement community, focusing on Advanced Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems. A range of experiences and lessons were shared during the visit to support Moldova in establishing a Passenger Information Unit.

Between 16–19 September, ICMPD organised a study visit to Lithuania for the Moldovan law enforcement community, focusing on Advanced Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) systems. A range of experiences and lessons were shared during the visit to support Moldova in establishing a Passenger Information Unit.

Project News
IBM Silk Routes project improves Iraq's border management through equipment handover and training school inauguration

19 September 2024

The EU-funded "Integrated Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries" project, implemented by ICMPD, conducted an equipment handover ceremony at the Border Force Command in Baghdad. Subsequently, the project inaugurated the Border Force Training School in Basrah after a successful renovation. The ceremonies took place on September 17th and 18th respectively.

The EU-funded "Integrated Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries" project, implemented by ICMPD, conducted an equipment handover ceremony at the Border Force Command in Baghdad. Subsequently, the project inaugurated the Border Force Training School in Basrah after a successful renovation. The ceremonies took place on September 17th and 18th respectively.

Project News
Call for Applications: MMDP Scholarships for Spring 2025

13 September 2024

UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University have published a new call for scholarships to participate in the Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP) that will take place in Maastricht, in Spring 2025. Applications for 25 scholarships are open until 01 October 2024.

UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University have published a new call for scholarships to participate in the Migration Management Diploma Programme (MMDP) that will take place in Maastricht, in Spring 2025. Applications for 25 scholarships are open until 01 October 2024.

Project News
EU Global Diaspora Facility opens call for proposals to public institutions

09 September 2024

The European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) launches new opportunity for capacity development in diaspora engagement to public institutions of partner countries. Project proposals are welcome until 15 October 2024.


The European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) launches new opportunity for capacity development in diaspora engagement to public institutions of partner countries. Project proposals are welcome until 15 October 2024.


In Focus
ICMPD and European partners celebrate new FIA offices to improve Pakistan’s border management

05 September 2024

On 4 September, an inauguration ceremony at the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) headquarters in Islamabad celebrated the opening of a refurbished Forensic Laboratory for examining suspected forged documents and combating identity fraud, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and new Risk Analysis Office, funded by the European Union and Ministry of Interior of Austria.

On 4 September, an inauguration ceremony at the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) headquarters in Islamabad celebrated the opening of a refurbished Forensic Laboratory for examining suspected forged documents and combating identity fraud, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and new Risk Analysis Office, funded by the European Union and Ministry of Interior of Austria.

Project News
European Union Scholarships Project Empowers Students in Türkiye to Pursue Higher Education and Career Opportunities

03 September 2024

Launched in 2023 and financed by the EU, the three-year European Union Scholarships Project aims to create a lasting impact on higher education students in Türkiye by providing financial assistance for education, increasing social cohesion and access to higher education. Applications for the 2024-25 academic year are open between September 1 – October 6, 2024.

Launched in 2023 and financed by the EU, the three-year European Union Scholarships Project aims to create a lasting impact on higher education students in Türkiye by providing financial assistance for education, increasing social cohesion and access to higher education. Applications for the 2024-25 academic year are open between September 1 – October 6, 2024.

Project News
SMMIG Project: Successful conclusion of its six-year implementation journey in Ghana

21 August 2024

In a memorable event that echoed with recognition and gratitude, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marked the closing of the Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG) project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The Dinner and Award night took place on July 30, 2024, at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel.

In a memorable event that echoed with recognition and gratitude, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marked the closing of the Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG) project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The Dinner and Award night took place on July 30, 2024, at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel.

Project News
C2CMMD: Consultation meeting on the Free Movement of Persons Protocol

08 August 2024

On 1-2 August 2024, the African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of ICMPD, organised a consultation meeting in Zanzibar. The meeting included representatives from African Union (AU) Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the private sector and civil society. The event focused on the challenges and opportunities for the ratification and implementation of the AU Free Movement of Persons (FMP) Protocol, to inform the development of an expert-led study commissioned by the AUC.

On 1-2 August 2024, the African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of ICMPD, organised a consultation meeting in Zanzibar. The meeting included representatives from African Union (AU) Member States, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the private sector and civil society. The event focused on the challenges and opportunities for the ratification and implementation of the AU Free Movement of Persons (FMP) Protocol, to inform the development of an expert-led study commissioned by the AUC.

Project News
SCOP 3.1 supports Moldovan Border Police with establishing its Passenger Information Unit

02 August 2024

From 29-30 July, ICMPD carried out an expert support mission to Moldova to facilitate the development of the regulatory framework required for launching the national Passenger Information Unit. The unit enables Moldovan authorities to conduct passenger screening and thus contribute to the effective management of the state border according to IBM principles. 

From 29-30 July, ICMPD carried out an expert support mission to Moldova to facilitate the development of the regulatory framework required for launching the national Passenger Information Unit. The unit enables Moldovan authorities to conduct passenger screening and thus contribute to the effective management of the state border according to IBM principles. 

Expert Voice
HEROES Project: from data to real action - New strategies to fight child sexual exploitation and human trafficking, and protecting the victims

01 August 2024

Addressing highly complex, often invisible crimes in a targeted way also requires a highly coordinated approach. As human trafficking and the online sexual exploitation of children increasingly become lucrative enterprises for the criminal syndicates globally and even more challenging to track, the best way to tackle them begins with having the right data.

Addressing highly complex, often invisible crimes in a targeted way also requires a highly coordinated approach. As human trafficking and the online sexual exploitation of children increasingly become lucrative enterprises for the criminal syndicates globally and even more challenging to track, the best way to tackle them begins with having the right data.

Press Release
Ireland joins the European migration organisation ICMPD

31 July 2024

Vienna, 31 July 2024 — ICMPD is growing with another member: Ireland is the 21st Member State to join ICMPD’s work in finding innovative solutions to regional migration challenges. Ireland’s accession is the latest after Germany (2020), Greece (2021), and the Netherlands (2023) joined ICMPD in recent years.

Vienna, 31 July 2024 — ICMPD is growing with another member: Ireland is the 21st Member State to join ICMPD’s work in finding innovative solutions to regional migration challenges. Ireland’s accession is the latest after Germany (2020), Greece (2021), and the Netherlands (2023) joined ICMPD in recent years.

In Focus
ICMPD, UNODC, ILO, IOM, SSDO and FIA reaffirm their commitment to combat child trafficking and labour in Pakistan

30 July 2024

Stakeholders from various international organisations and the Government of Pakistan reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening collaboration and accelerating efforts to combat human trafficking. During an event organised to commemorate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the emphasis was placed on protecting children and upholding the rights and dignity of those most at risk of exploitation.

Stakeholders from various international organisations and the Government of Pakistan reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening collaboration and accelerating efforts to combat human trafficking. During an event organised to commemorate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the emphasis was placed on protecting children and upholding the rights and dignity of those most at risk of exploitation.
