In Focus

ICMPD and European partners celebrate new FIA offices to improve Pakistan’s border management

05 September 2024


On 4 September, an inauguration ceremony at the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) headquarters in Islamabad celebrated the opening of a refurbished Forensic Laboratory for examining suspected forged documents and combating identity fraud, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and new Risk Analysis Office, funded by the European Union and Ministry of Interior of Austria.

Both offices were equipped and completed by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) as part of an ongoing programme to strengthen the management of Pakistan’s borders.

The headquarters forensic laboratory is part of a network of document examination offices established by FIA and ICMPD at major international airports across the country. FIA officers, trained by ICMPD, will use the laboratory to forensically analyse suspected forged documents used by criminal groups to facilitate migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, among other organised crime activities. Equipped with the latest document examination equipment and technology, the laboratory will provide expert opinions to support prosecutions and assist in holding perpetrators accountable before the law.

The Risk Analysis office at FIA HQ provides new workspace and equipment for a trained cadre of analysts. This Risk Analysis unit will deliver data-driven analysis and evidence-based recommendations to border threats and risks facing Pakistan’s borders, enabling more efficient management of resources.

ICMPD’s Head of Region for the Silk Routes, Marija Raus noted the importance of international partnerships with Denmark, Austria, and the European Union to improve the FIA’s border management capacity: 

The headline today is the improved capacity of the FIA to curb irregular migration. The FIA can pursue an evidence-based, data-driven approach to border management, implemented by officers with the right skills and tools in the right place.

FIA Director General Ahamd Ishaque Jahangir highlighted the importance of the offices to the FIA’s mandate to control immigration and counter serious and organised crime during his remarks at the inauguration ceremony,

Effective, open and secure border management is critical to ensuring the safety and security of our citizens, promoting stability, and facilitating trade and development.

The forensic laboratory at FIA Headquarters was established as part of the “Rights-Based Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries” (RBM Silk Routes) project, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project aims to support the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan to increase its institutional and operational capacity in addressing irregular migration and enhancing border and migration management. 

The Risk Analysis Office was established within the framework of the Support to Federal Investigation Agency’s capacities for enhanced risk management – Pilot (RAPAK) project. The RAPAK project is funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Interior of Austria under the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF). The project’s objective is to elaborate and pilot the establishment of Risk Analysis Units within the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), at the HQ, zonal, and border crossing points (BCP) level. 

