Project News

EU Global Diaspora Facility opens call for proposals to public institutions

09 September 2024

The European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) launches new opportunity for capacity development in diaspora engagement to public institutions of partner countries. Project proposals are welcome until 15 October 2024.


After running 16 successful projects in its first phase of implementation (June 2019-2024), the EUDiF reopens its Capacity Development Lab for partnership projects with public institutions. Central and local public institutions from partner countries across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Pacific are invited to submit proposals by midnight (CEST) on 15 October. 

The Capacity Development Lab is demand-driven, with dynamic small-scale projects that can catalyse and complement an institution’s existing work. Proposals should be strictly skills, tools and knowledge-oriented seeking institutional capacity development in diaspora engagement and/or a sector-specific collaboration with diaspora.

Diaspora engagement is a truly transversal development process with diaspora active across all economic and social sectors. This creates a great number of entry points for a wide array of institutions, ranging from government ministries to local authorities, and including public institutions in the healthcare, education and cultural sectors, amongst others. 

Full details on the call including eligibility, evaluation and selection and proposal template, are available via the proposal guidelines in English, French and Spanish. 

Online information sessions will take place on 16 September in the three languages, registration here. For any questions about the call for proposals, contact  After evaluation and selection, the successful proposals will be announced in December, with project implementation due to take place in the course of 2025.

For inspiration and an idea of project scale, refer to the projects from EUDiF’s first phase, or explore the practice database of over 400 practices for ideas from around the world.
