
ICMPD runs around 90 projects. Use the filters below to get an overview.

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The Netherlands’ Assistance to Border Management in Jordan


Border Management and Security / Capacity Development

EMPOWER: Establishment of the National Program for Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of the Republic of Serbia

Serbia / Austria

Capacity Development / Irregular Migration / Return and Reintegration

FIMAS Ukraine: Labour Market Integration of Ukrainian Refugees


Integration and Social Cohesion / Research

CORE-UA: Comprehensive Resilience Support for Displaced Persons from Ukraine

Germany / Austria / Ukraine

Capacity Development / Diaspora and Migrants / Policy / Legal and Labour Migration


Austria / Canada / Germany / Ghana / India / Indonesia / Morocco / Netherlands / Nigeria / Philippines / Poland / Ukraine

Governance / Legal and Labour Migration / Partnerships / Development

SAFE: Supporting Türkiye’s Efforts to Strengthen Border Management at the Eastern and South Eastern Land Borders


Asylum and International Protection / Border Management and Security / Capacity Development

STEAP: School Anti-Trafficking Education and Advocacy Project


Capacity Development / Trafficking in Human Beings / Economy, Education and Private Sector
