India-EU CDMM - Phase II: India-EU Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Phase II

India / *European Union

Capacity Development / Cross Cutting Topics / Diaspora and Migrants / Irregular Migration / Migration and Development / Governance / Research / Policy

EMLINK: Selection process for the EMLINK Compact Acceleration Course is finalised

Released 23 July 2024

By the end of June 2024, eleven Georgian start-ups were selected for a short-term mobility programme in Belgium. This followed a highly competitive selection process that evaluated sectoral matchmaking potential between the two countries. The call for applications was announced in the framework of the “Strengthening the Partnership between Belgium and Georgia through the Temporary Mobility of Entrepreneurs (EMLINK)” project, implemented by ICMPD.

MCP MED TI: Training Institute on Migration Capacity Partnership for the Mediterranean

Jordan / Libya / Morocco / Lebanon / Tunisia

Capacity Development

Budapest Process

Afghanistan / Albania / Armenia / Australia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Bangladesh / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Canada / China / Croatia / Cyprus / Czechia / Denmark / Estonia / Finland / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Hungary / India / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Ireland / Italy / Jordan / Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Latvia / Lebanon / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Moldova (Republic of) / Montenegro / Netherlands / North Macedonia / Norway / Pakistan / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russian Federation / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Sri Lanka / Sweden / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Türkiye / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / United Kingdom / United States of America / Uzbekistan

The Organisation /about-us/the-organisation
ICMPD Headquarters Rothschildplatz 4 1020 Vienna, Austria Fax: +43 1 504 4677 2375 +43 1 504 4677 0
Capacity Building /our-work/capacity-building
ICMPD Headquarters Rothschildplatz 4 1020 Vienna, Austria +43 1 504 4677 0
Silk Routes III: Improving Migration Management in the Silk Routes

Afghanistan / Bangladesh / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Iraq / Pakistan


EMLINK Call for Applications: short-term mobility programme in Belgium for Georgian start-ups

Released 01 March 2024

International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in the framework of the EU-funded project “Strengthening the Partnership between Belgium and Georgia through Temporary Mobility of Entrepreneurs (Entrepreneurial Mobility Link” (EMLINK) is launching the call for start-ups! 

FAiR: Finding Agreement in Return

Austria / Bulgaria / Czechia / Georgia / Germany / Greece / France / Italy / Iraq / Netherlands / Nigeria / Poland / Romania / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Türkiye / United Kingdom

Return and Reintegration / Research / Policy

Vienna Migration Conference /about-us/vienna-migration-conference
Contact ICMPD Headquarters Rothschildplatz 4 1020 ViennaAustria +43 1 504 4677 0
The EU Global Diaspora Facility celebrates 5 years of impactful diaspora-development

Released 19 June 2024

The 19 June 2024 marks five years of the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), based at ICMPD’s Brussels office. Simultaneously, EUDiF celebrates the end of its first phase and starts a second to continue its work to support an informed, inclusive and impactful diaspora-development ecosystem. 

StAMM: Short-term technical assistance on Asylum, Migration, and Mobility in Western Balkans

Albania / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Kosovo* / Montenegro / Serbia / North Macedonia

Capacity Development / Governance

Link Up! Serbia II


Diaspora and Migrants / Migration and Development

MiDiP: Migration.Digitale.Pädagogik / Migration.Digital.Pedagogy


Integration and Social Cohesion / Migration Narratives and Public Opinion / Policy

Silk Routes /about-us/icmpd-regions/silk-routes
In order to effectively address the challenges and opportunities of migration in the Silk Routes region, long-term visioning, policy making, comprehensive migration governance and international cooper...
Local Immigration Units serve as anchors in Cabo Verde migration landscape

Released 08 July 2024

In the past year alone, Cabo Verde has seen a steep increase in migrant arrivals on boats, mostly aiming for the Canary Islands — the closest European destination they can try to reach. Dozens arrived on the island of São Vicente; while in 2023, from those who survived the journey, 38 arrived in Sal and 90 in Boa Vista.

Complexities of irregular migration needs stronger EU-Africa cooperation - ICMPD Director-General joins ministers in forum on irregular migration

Released 19 July 2024

ICMPD Director-General Michael Spindelegger joined heads of state and ministers at the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum in Tripoli, Libya on 17 July 2024. In a statement, Mr Spindelegger called for strengthened collaboration between Europe and Africa to address the complexities of irregular migration.

Students, youth tackle contemporary issues on migration - ICMPD hosted the 2024 International Summer School on Migration

Released 22 July 2024

On 7-12 July, ICMPD hosted students and youth at the 2024 International Summer School on Migration in Kachreti, Georgia. The participants discussed the impact of migration on international law and its legal aspects, media and the perception of migrants, migration’s role in the economy, migration and development, and integration and citizenship.

BOMCA advances its work with Central Asian NGOs to improve living conditions of border communities

Released 26 July 2024

BOMCA selected and provided EU funding to 12 projects in the framework of its second Call for Proposals. Continuing the established good practice of cooperation with NGOs from Central Asia, selected NGOs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan began implementing actions aimed at improving living conditions in border areas in July 2024. The projects will be implemented throughout 2024-2025 with the overall funding of almost 635 000 EUR.

ICMPD, UNODC, ILO, IOM, SSDO and FIA reaffirm their commitment to combat child trafficking and labour in Pakistan

Released 30 July 2024

Stakeholders from various international organisations and the Government of Pakistan reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening collaboration and accelerating efforts to combat human trafficking. During an event organised to commemorate World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, the emphasis was placed on protecting children and upholding the rights and dignity of those most at risk of exploitation.

Ireland joins the European migration organisation ICMPD

Released 31 July 2024

Vienna, 31 July 2024 — ICMPD is growing with another member: Ireland is the 21st Member State to join ICMPD’s work in finding innovative solutions to regional migration challenges. Ireland’s accession is the latest after Germany (2020), Greece (2021), and the Netherlands (2023) joined ICMPD in recent years.

HEROES Project: from data to real action - New strategies to fight child sexual exploitation and human trafficking, and protecting the victims

Released 01 August 2024

Addressing highly complex, often invisible crimes in a targeted way also requires a highly coordinated approach. As human trafficking and the online sexual exploitation of children increasingly become lucrative enterprises for the criminal syndicates globally and even more challenging to track, the best way to tackle them begins with having the right data.

About ICMPD /about-us/about-icmpd
Our vision: Connecting people and driving innovative solutions to today’s most complex regional migration opportunities
ICMPD and European partners celebrate new FIA offices to improve Pakistan’s border management

Released 05 September 2024

On 4 September, an inauguration ceremony at the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) headquarters in Islamabad celebrated the opening of a refurbished Forensic Laboratory for examining suspected forged documents and combating identity fraud, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and new Risk Analysis Office, funded by the European Union and Ministry of Interior of Austria.
