Project News

The EU Global Diaspora Facility celebrates 5 years of impactful diaspora-development

19 June 2024


The 19 June 2024 marks five years of the EU Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF), based at ICMPD’s Brussels office. Simultaneously, EUDiF celebrates the end of its first phase and starts a second to continue its work to support an informed, inclusive and impactful diaspora-development ecosystem. 

Diaspora engagement has huge potential for development and is something which ICMPD has worked on for decades in various iterations. ICMPD has been implementing The European Union Global Diaspora Facility (EUDiF) since its inception in June 2019. Now five, EUDiF continues to go from strength to strength as it begins a second phase, funded by the European Union. 

In its first five years, the project has generated a wealth of knowledge, led and informed regional and international dialogues and driven action through a diverse portfolio of capacity development micro-projects. 

With over 220 publications, EUDiF’s website is the place to go for knowledge on diaspora engagement from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Central Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, and the Pacific. This knowledge has fed rich discussions with over 4000 dialogue and activity participants. Moreover, EUDiF has explored nascent areas of diaspora engagement through 5 case studies and 16 projects on the green transition, in Talent Partnerships, heritage tourism, youth entrepreneurship and much more. 

The second phase will see EUDiF build on these foundations and expand its offering, including new research, capacity development for government institutions and grants for diaspora organisations, and closer collaboration with youth diaspora.  

Contact the project team for more information: