Engaging Diasporas in Information Campaigns on Migration


Published November 2021


Ground-breaking Ceremony of the Godfrey Okoye University – European Business Park


Published November 2021


On 18 November 2021, ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger delivered a speech at the Ground-breaking Ceremony of the Godfrey Okoye University – European Business Park

Problematik der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten in Österreich in Zeiten der Coronakrise. Sonderauswertung des FIMAS Flüchtlingspanels. For...


Published November 2021


Arbeitsmarktintegration junger Geflüchteter in Österreich. Forschungsbericht der vierten Welle des FIMAS-Surveys: FIMAS+YOUTH.


Published November 2021


Migration and media in the Euro-Mediterranean region: A journalist’s handbook


Published November 2021


A Practitioner’s Guide - Developing and Monitoring National Anti-Trafficking Response


Published November 2021

North Macedonia / Serbia / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Albania / Kosovo*

#Human Trafficking #Anti-Trafficking Policy #Trafficking Network #Anti-Trafficking Protocol #Trafficking in Human Beings

Assessment on the needs, gaps and good practices - Developing, implementing and monitoring of the anti-trafficking strategic response in the MARRI...


Published November 2021

North Macedonia / Serbia / Montenegro / Kosovo* / Albania / Bosnia and Herzegovina

#Referral #Anti-Trafficking Policy #Prevention #Victim Protection #Victim Identification #Human Trafficking #Trafficking in Human Beings

Impact of the Situation in Afghanistan on the Central Asian Countries: Implications for Migration

Policy Brief

Published October 2021


In August 2021, the radical Taliban movement took control of almost the entire territory of Afghanistan. Fearing for their lives, many Afghan citizens want to flee the country. The prospect of a migrant influx from Afghanistan greatly concerns the Central Asian countries, since radical Islamists may also cross the border along with the displaced population. To effectively counter and be prepared for different scenarios, the Central Asian countries have been strengthening their borders and enlisting the support of fellow member states of regional associations, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). This publication describes the situation in Afghanistan and the related policies of the Central Asian countries in terms of possible forced displacements.

Outward and upward mobility How Afghan and Syrian refugees can use mobility to improve their prospects

Policy Brief

Published September 2021

Changing Demographics in the Countries of the Prague Process: Implications for Migration

Policy Brief

Published September 2021


This Policy Brief will focus on one of the widely recognized global processes: the decline of human populations. Rapid population growth accompanied development during the second half of the previous century. Demographic decline or the potential for decline will underlie development over the first half of the present century. This Policy Brief will draw attention to some of the inherent tensions created by this process and specifically its linkages with migration, both internal and international. It will flag up the overall demographic trends across the Prague Process countries, identify differences across the countries, and highlight policy issues that will need to be addressed.

Migration Observatory Collected Publications 2019-20


Published September 2021


This second collection of publications produced within the Prague Process Migration Observatory covers the period 2019-2020. It aims to inform migration decision-makers, specialists, scientists, academics and the interested public about ongoing migration trends and policy developments across the Prague Process region. The COVID-19 pandemic has limited the possibilities of travelling, meeting each other and socializing, all of which had been essential to make this intergovernmental dialogue a living organism. The unprecedented circumstances encouraged us to explore new possibilities and approaches, moving our work to the world of virtual meetings, online webinars and development of e-learning tools. The authors featured in this book are state representatives, academic experts or other specialists. Their contributions aim at raising awareness concerning a wide range of migration phenomena that affect people’s lives or even societies as a whole. The collected publications shall inform the interested reader and possibly inspire new ideas and initiatives for the future.

Leveraging migration information campaigns for state and migrant security

Policy Brief

Published September 2021

MC2CM DAYS: Local authorities improve migration governance 20-24 September 2021 in Brussels (EU quarter)


Published September 2021


On 20 September 2021, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger opened the “High-Level Dialogue on Renewed partnerships and migration governance” 

Migration of Palestinian refugees from Lebanon Current trends and implications


Published September 2021


Trend Assessment Long-Term Care Provision Current trends and the impact of Covid-19


Published August 2021
