Storytelling as strategic communication on migration


Published November 2024


As part of the EUROMED Migration (EMM) studies, in partnership with the European Union Institute Migration Policy Centre Observatory on Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM), EMM is proud to give exclusive access to the publication ‘Storytelling as Strategic Communication on Migration.’ Practitioners regularly recommend storytelling as an effective means of strategic communication about migration. Storytelling is distinct from other forms of communication due to its ability to clear and retain attention, disarm critical thought, and provide an opportunity for the storyteller to demonstrate a large range of skills and thus enhance their credibility. Experimental evidence supports the notion that storytelling is more persuasive than, for example, appeals to authority using experts. This report provides the first review of the academic literature on the characteristics and effects of storytelling and how this might be best used for migration communication and outlines seven best practices according to these criteria and demonstrates them using examples. 

Emigration narratives: what migrants believe and why it matters

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion #Migration Dialogues


Why do some people choose to migrate and some people not? Why are some willing to do so via irregular channels and some unwilling?  Answering these questions allows us to design better interventions to achieve migration policy objectives such as “safe, regular, and orderly migration”. It also helps us answer profound scientific questions using the timeless yet increasingly important case of migration. Given the salience, uncertainty, complexity, risk and novelty of migration—as well as its emotive and valuedriven nature—we can expect narratives to play a powerful and rich role in emigration decisions. This report builds on recent findings and cutting-edge data to investigate the role of narratives in affecting variation in various forms of migration behaviour.

Re-balancing Migration Narratives: Key Lessons on Communication from EUROMED Migration V

Working Paper

Published June 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion #Migration Dialogues


This report overviews and discusses the key findings from the original research of the EUROMED Migration V programme on migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Each report was dedicated to a different facet of migration narratives and each offering an original contribution that can help communicators offer a more balanced set of migration narratives.

Communication and Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration


Published March 2024

#Return and Reintegration #Migration Dialogues


Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programmes have emerged as a migration governance tool used by many national governments and supranational organisations in the 21st century. They fund—typically irregular or stranded—migrants to return to their origin countries whereafter they provide support aimed at “sustainable reintegration”. AVRR reintegration support is classified by the International Organization for Migration, which administers around 95% of AVRR programmes globally, as “economic”, “social”, and “psycho-social”. However, AVRR programmes have received several criticisms from academics and activists. The academic literature on measuring reintegration, identifying the causes of reintegration success, and identifying the causes of AVRR participation are nascent but provide a basis by which policymakers can understand how to improve AVRR outcomes. Therefore, this study identifies how communication can contribute to AVRR objectives.

Migration Communication Campaigns: The state of the practice and an open database


Published February 2024

#Migration Narratives and Public Opinion
