Project News
The MOBILAZE 2 Project provided a Mobile Training Unit to the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan

15 September 2023

On 14 September, the MOBILAZE 2 project officially handed over a Mobile Training Unit to the Border Control Commandment of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The modified mini-van provides training, communication and special document control equipment with a total value of 120,000 EUR. 

On 14 September, the MOBILAZE 2 project officially handed over a Mobile Training Unit to the Border Control Commandment of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The modified mini-van provides training, communication and special document control equipment with a total value of 120,000 EUR. 

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General meets Ministers in Bulgaria

15 September 2023

On 14 September, ICMPD’s Director General Michael Spindelegger was on mission to Bulgaria, meeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Mariya Gabriel and the Minister of Interior, Mr. Kalin Stoyanov. 

On 14 September, ICMPD’s Director General Michael Spindelegger was on mission to Bulgaria, meeting the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Mariya Gabriel and the Minister of Interior, Mr. Kalin Stoyanov. 

Project News
RETOUR Project: Inauguration of the Voluntary Return Coordination Centre in İstanbul

14 September 2023

The inauguration of the National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Coordination Centre located in Kumkapı/İstanbul took place on the 7th of September 2023. Among the participants were the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Türkiye Country Office, the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), Turkish Red Crescent and the representatives of the British Embassy in Ankara. 

The inauguration of the National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Coordination Centre located in Kumkapı/İstanbul took place on the 7th of September 2023. Among the participants were the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Türkiye Country Office, the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), Turkish Red Crescent and the representatives of the British Embassy in Ankara. 

Project News
European Union Scholarships Project launches to boost higher education access for students in Türkiye

12 September 2023

With an eagerness to promote access to higher education and foster social harmony, the European Union has unveiled the 'European Union Scholarships Project.' Spearheading this initiative is the ICMPD Country Office in Türkiye, in collaboration with Ankara and Hasan Kalyoncu Universities, as well as Marmara Municipalities Union, as co-applicant consortium members, covering different regions in Türkiye. The initiative will benefit Syrian students under temporary protection, students under international protection, as well as students with Turkish citizenship.

With an eagerness to promote access to higher education and foster social harmony, the European Union has unveiled the 'European Union Scholarships Project.' Spearheading this initiative is the ICMPD Country Office in Türkiye, in collaboration with Ankara and Hasan Kalyoncu Universities, as well as Marmara Municipalities Union, as co-applicant consortium members, covering different regions in Türkiye. The initiative will benefit Syrian students under temporary protection, students under international protection, as well as students with Turkish citizenship.

Project News
RRR-MFA/SMS UA Project Handover of two vehicles to the State Migration Service of Ukraine

08 September 2023

On 6 September, the official handover of two vehicles took place within the framework of the ongoing project ‘Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services (RRR-MFA/SMS UA). The project is funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) under the Ministry of Interior of Germany.   

On 6 September, the official handover of two vehicles took place within the framework of the ongoing project ‘Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services (RRR-MFA/SMS UA). The project is funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) under the Ministry of Interior of Germany.   

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General visits Pakistan, announces the establishment of a new Migrant Resource Centre

07 September 2023

A delegation led by ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger was on mission in Pakistan and met with high-level gouverment partners in Pakistan. He met Mr. Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Faisal Nisar, Joint Secretary from the Ministry of Interior, Mr. Jawad  Sohrab Malik Special Assistant to the Prime Minster on Overseas Pakistanis and Mr. Mohsin Butt, Director General, Federal Investigation Agency.

A delegation led by ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger was on mission in Pakistan and met with high-level gouverment partners in Pakistan. He met Mr. Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Faisal Nisar, Joint Secretary from the Ministry of Interior, Mr. Jawad  Sohrab Malik Special Assistant to the Prime Minster on Overseas Pakistanis and Mr. Mohsin Butt, Director General, Federal Investigation Agency.

Project News
CareFor project delivers psychological training to the staff of Refugee Reception Centres in Moldova

07 September 2023

On 5 September, the CareFor project delivered a psychology training for the administrative staff of the reception centres of the Inspectorate-General for Migration and the National Congress of Ukrainians in Moldova. As part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor), the event was aimed at equipping the beneficiaries with an understanding of the psychology essentials required when working with migrants. 

On 5 September, the CareFor project delivered a psychology training for the administrative staff of the reception centres of the Inspectorate-General for Migration and the National Congress of Ukrainians in Moldova. As part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor), the event was aimed at equipping the beneficiaries with an understanding of the psychology essentials required when working with migrants. 

In Focus
Navigating post-temporary protection: ICMPD lays out policy options and prompts international dialogue

24 August 2023

One-and-a-half years after Russia invaded Ukraine, the question of what comes next for people under temporary protection looms large, especially as we approach the halfway mark of the Temporary Protection Directive’s maximum duration. Policymakers are faced with a range of potential strategies, each with its distinct implications, necessitating a thoughtful and ideally coordinated response. To help guide this crucial dialogue, ICMPD is shedding light on potential avenues. 

One-and-a-half years after Russia invaded Ukraine, the question of what comes next for people under temporary protection looms large, especially as we approach the halfway mark of the Temporary Protection Directive’s maximum duration. Policymakers are faced with a range of potential strategies, each with its distinct implications, necessitating a thoughtful and ideally coordinated response. To help guide this crucial dialogue, ICMPD is shedding light on potential avenues. 

Project News
NAVRR Project: capacity-building training to strengthen Türkiye's NAVRR Mechanism

14 August 2023

The NAVRR Project implemented by ICMPD organised a capacity-building training for Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism’s National Stakeholders including the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Red Crescent between the dates of 26-28 July 2023 in Bolu, Türkiye.

The NAVRR Project implemented by ICMPD organised a capacity-building training for Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism’s National Stakeholders including the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), the Provincial Directorates of Migration Management, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Red Crescent between the dates of 26-28 July 2023 in Bolu, Türkiye.

Project News
CareFor project evaluates the Moldovan mechanism for combatting irregular stay

03 August 2023

On 3 August, the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) presented the preliminary results of the ex-post evaluation of the mechanism for combating irregular stay in Moldova. The evaluation is a priority of the national sector programme and is to yield lessons learned and recommendations for the ongoing reorganization of the Inspectorate-General for Migration.

On 3 August, the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) presented the preliminary results of the ex-post evaluation of the mechanism for combating irregular stay in Moldova. The evaluation is a priority of the national sector programme and is to yield lessons learned and recommendations for the ongoing reorganization of the Inspectorate-General for Migration.

In Focus
World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2023

28 July 2023

The annual World Day against Trafficking in Persons, marked on 30th July, brings together policy-makers, operational specialists and the general public to reflect upon the response to trafficking in human beings (THB) in their own country, region and globally. This year, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marks this occasion by emphasising the importance of regional approaches in combatting THB and supporting its victims.

The annual World Day against Trafficking in Persons, marked on 30th July, brings together policy-makers, operational specialists and the general public to reflect upon the response to trafficking in human beings (THB) in their own country, region and globally. This year, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marks this occasion by emphasising the importance of regional approaches in combatting THB and supporting its victims.

Project News
ICMPD organises a training for Libyan officials on Migration Dialogues

26 July 2023

On 17 – 18 July 2023, ICMPD organised a training for Libyan officials on the practical steps in preparation for a Migration Dialogue. The training was conducted within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility (LIBMITAF) project.

On 17 – 18 July 2023, ICMPD organised a training for Libyan officials on the practical steps in preparation for a Migration Dialogue. The training was conducted within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility (LIBMITAF) project.

In Focus
Revealing refugee talents: ICMPD’s Policy Unit proposes expanded EU complementary pathways

21 July 2023

While the discussion around refugees in Europe often centres around their plight, the potential they bring to our societies – ambitions, education, skills – often remains unrecognised. With an eye on the mutual benefits for refugees, host employers, economies, and countries of first asylum, ICMPD’s Policy Unit puts a spotlight on these talents and advocates for their recognition through complementary labour pathways.

While the discussion around refugees in Europe often centres around their plight, the potential they bring to our societies – ambitions, education, skills – often remains unrecognised. With an eye on the mutual benefits for refugees, host employers, economies, and countries of first asylum, ICMPD’s Policy Unit puts a spotlight on these talents and advocates for their recognition through complementary labour pathways.

Project News
Communication training on perceptions about migration held in Moldova

21 July 2023

On 19 July, ICMPD organised a training for the relevant staff of the recently-established Moldovan Inspectorate for Migration as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor). The training also gathered communication specialists from other agencies such as the Border Police and the Ministry of Interior's central apparatus.

On 19 July, ICMPD organised a training for the relevant staff of the recently-established Moldovan Inspectorate for Migration as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor). The training also gathered communication specialists from other agencies such as the Border Police and the Ministry of Interior's central apparatus.

In Focus
RRR-MFA/SMS UA Project: Empowering Ukrainian Diaspora Organisations in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland

19 July 2023

Diaspora engagement is one of the core components of the RRR-MFA/SMS UA project. Ukraine has a well-organised diaspora, actively engaged and motivated, with a high level of participation. Therefore, the project considers close cooperation and collaboration with prominent Ukrainian diaspora organisations as an integral part of the programme and supported several recent events carried out precisely for diaspora empowerment.

Diaspora engagement is one of the core components of the RRR-MFA/SMS UA project. Ukraine has a well-organised diaspora, actively engaged and motivated, with a high level of participation. Therefore, the project considers close cooperation and collaboration with prominent Ukrainian diaspora organisations as an integral part of the programme and supported several recent events carried out precisely for diaspora empowerment.
