Project News

CareFor project evaluates the Moldovan mechanism for combatting irregular stay

03 August 2023

Moldova (Republic of)

On 3 August, the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) presented the preliminary results of the ex-post evaluation of the mechanism for combating irregular stay in Moldova. The evaluation is a priority of the national sector programme and is to yield lessons learned and recommendations for the ongoing reorganization of the Inspectorate-General for Migration.

The reorganisation of the key migration authority in Moldova provides the chance to streamline the mechanism for combatting irregular stay with the view to better respond to the new regional security challenges, while also safeguarding the human rights standards. It is with this consideration in mind that an ex-post evaluation of the mechanism has been prioritized in the National Programme on the management of migration flows, asylum, and integration of foreigners 2022-2025. The country’s advance towards European integration by recently acquiring the candidate status has similarly heightened the expectation for an efficient and human rights compliant mechanism for combatting irregular stay. 

With the support of the CareFor project, an external expert has been identified to carry out the evaluation exercise and come up with recommendations for future improvement. At the event, the expert presented the methodology, as well as some of the preliminary findings after having a series of interviews with the key stakeholders. Identified areas for improvement include inter-agency cooperation, updating the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), prevention campaigns, alternatives to detention, adequate staffing and continuous training, working with employers, interpretation, etc. In addition to representatives of the Inspectorate-General for Migration, the event also gathered actors relevant to the mechanism such as Border Police, regular Police, the central apparatus of the Ministry of Interior, as well as human rights monitoring agencies such as the Ombudsman Office and the NGO Law Centre of Advocates. Participants contributed with valuable inputs to the findings thus further informing the evaluation exercise for a good-quality final report.

The project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor), funded by the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration, aims to contribute to a functioning and human rights compliant migration management system in Moldova while addressing some of the more immediate needs caused by the unprecedented inflow of displaced people from Ukraine.
