In Focus
RRR-MFA/SMS UA Project: Empowering Ukrainian Diaspora Organisations in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland

19 July 2023

Diaspora engagement is one of the core components of the RRR-MFA/SMS UA project. Ukraine has a well-organised diaspora, actively engaged and motivated, with a high level of participation. Therefore, the project considers close cooperation and collaboration with prominent Ukrainian diaspora organisations as an integral part of the programme and supported several recent events carried out precisely for diaspora empowerment.

Diaspora engagement is one of the core components of the RRR-MFA/SMS UA project. Ukraine has a well-organised diaspora, actively engaged and motivated, with a high level of participation. Therefore, the project considers close cooperation and collaboration with prominent Ukrainian diaspora organisations as an integral part of the programme and supported several recent events carried out precisely for diaspora empowerment.

Project News
Centre of Practical Skills: Celebrating the graduation of pioneer students

19 July 2023

On 15 July, a graduation ceremony took place to honour the accomplishments of the CoPS trainees in Enugu, Nigeria. The event was well-attended by key stakeholders, trainers, trainees, and media members. Students that stood out received several awards during the ceremony.

On 15 July, a graduation ceremony took place to honour the accomplishments of the CoPS trainees in Enugu, Nigeria. The event was well-attended by key stakeholders, trainers, trainees, and media members. Students that stood out received several awards during the ceremony.

KOMPLEKS Study Visit to the Netherlands

17 July 2023

Between the 27th and 29th of June 2023, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to the Netherlands.

Between the 27th and 29th of June 2023, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organized a study visit for representatives of Polish local authorities and project partners to the Netherlands.

Project News
C2CMMD organised a Training of Trainers for the AU Migration Governance Training Programme

12 July 2023

From 3-7 July 2023, ICMPD and the African Union Commission (AUC) organised a “Training of Trainers” (ToT) in Nairobi, Kenya, with participants from across the African continent to be certified as trainers for the AU Migration Governance Training Programme.

From 3-7 July 2023, ICMPD and the African Union Commission (AUC) organised a “Training of Trainers” (ToT) in Nairobi, Kenya, with participants from across the African continent to be certified as trainers for the AU Migration Governance Training Programme.

In Focus
ICMPD Steering Group Event under the Auspices of Türkiye's Chairmanship

10 July 2023

On 4 July 2023, Türkiye and ICMPD organised a high-level event titled "Migratory flows and regional challenges - Türkiye's way forward on migration" in Brussels. The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, delivered a keynote speech. The President of Türkiye's Presidency of Migration Management, Savaş Ünlü, Deputy Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, Johannes Luchner and ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger participated in the panel moderated by ICMPD's Brussels Mission Director Ralph Genetzke.

On 4 July 2023, Türkiye and ICMPD organised a high-level event titled "Migratory flows and regional challenges - Türkiye's way forward on migration" in Brussels. The European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, delivered a keynote speech. The President of Türkiye's Presidency of Migration Management, Savaş Ünlü, Deputy Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, Johannes Luchner and ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger participated in the panel moderated by ICMPD's Brussels Mission Director Ralph Genetzke.

Project News
NAVRR Project organized a study visit to Uzbekistan to strengthen migration dialogues for Türkiye’s NAVRR Mechanism

10 July 2023

The NAVRR Project, implemented by ICMPD, recently conducted a study visit to Tashkent Uzbekistan, between the dates of 19-20 June 2023 to establish and strengthen migration dialogues between Türkiye and Uzbekistan on the axis of return and reintegration within the framework of Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism.  

The NAVRR Project, implemented by ICMPD, recently conducted a study visit to Tashkent Uzbekistan, between the dates of 19-20 June 2023 to establish and strengthen migration dialogues between Türkiye and Uzbekistan on the axis of return and reintegration within the framework of Türkiye's National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (NAVRR) Mechanism.  

Project News
Workshop on updating migration data indicators framework held in Moldova

06 July 2023

On 6 July, ICMPD organised a workshop with Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to update the national migration data indicators’ framework. The data indicators on migration and asylum require adjustment to European standards, especially after Moldova recently gained the candidate status and became an observer to the European Migration Network.

On 6 July, ICMPD organised a workshop with Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor) to update the national migration data indicators’ framework. The data indicators on migration and asylum require adjustment to European standards, especially after Moldova recently gained the candidate status and became an observer to the European Migration Network.

Project News
MOBILAZE 2: Study and exchange visit to Estonia on migration policy management and implementation

29 June 2023

On 19-21 June 2023, the MOBILAZE 2 project organised a study visit on migration policy sectors - management and implementation - for a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population and State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tallinn, Estonia.  The purpose of the study visit was to further strengthen the capacities of relevant Azerbaijani state institutions in the area of migration management to learn about the Estonian experience in migration policies development and implementation including migration procedures and residence regulations, visa policy, integration policies, digitalisation, e-residencies, Start-up visas, etc.

On 19-21 June 2023, the MOBILAZE 2 project organised a study visit on migration policy sectors - management and implementation - for a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population and State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Tallinn, Estonia.  The purpose of the study visit was to further strengthen the capacities of relevant Azerbaijani state institutions in the area of migration management to learn about the Estonian experience in migration policies development and implementation including migration procedures and residence regulations, visa policy, integration policies, digitalisation, e-residencies, Start-up visas, etc.

Project News
EU4SAFEALB Project Closing and 2nd Handover Event of the procured equipment

21 June 2023

Dhermi, 12 June 2023 – the official Project Closing and 2nd Handover Ceremony took place at the Border Police station to hand over equipment worth EUR 2.4 million to the Border and Migration Police of the Albanian State Police of the Ministry of Interior of Albania.

Dhermi, 12 June 2023 – the official Project Closing and 2nd Handover Ceremony took place at the Border Police station to hand over equipment worth EUR 2.4 million to the Border and Migration Police of the Albanian State Police of the Ministry of Interior of Albania.

In Focus
Ukraine Consultation Centres - Supporting Ukrainian Citizens Abroad

20 June 2023

After Russia's military aggression against Ukraine in 2022, millions of Ukrainians sought refuge in EU countries. To assist them, the EU Council activated the Temporary Protection Directive, granting access to healthcare, accommodation, employment, education, and social protection. Despite ongoing war, Ukrainian refugees face challenges in settling and rebuilding their lives. The RRR-MFA/SMS project, funded by Germany and the Czech Republic, established Ukrainian Consultation Centers in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. We interviewed the project team to learn more about this flagship initiative.

After Russia's military aggression against Ukraine in 2022, millions of Ukrainians sought refuge in EU countries. To assist them, the EU Council activated the Temporary Protection Directive, granting access to healthcare, accommodation, employment, education, and social protection. Despite ongoing war, Ukrainian refugees face challenges in settling and rebuilding their lives. The RRR-MFA/SMS project, funded by Germany and the Czech Republic, established Ukrainian Consultation Centers in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. We interviewed the project team to learn more about this flagship initiative.

Project News
MOBILAZE2 Project: Training on Migrant’s Rights and Monitoring Mechanisms held in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan

19 June 2023

On 13 - 14 June 2023, the MOBILAZE 2 project in cooperation with the Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan organised training on Ensuring the Rights of Vulnerable Migrants, Migration and Asylum Management and Monitoring Mechanisms in Nakhchivan for the law-enforcement agencies involved in migration management.

On 13 - 14 June 2023, the MOBILAZE 2 project in cooperation with the Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan organised training on Ensuring the Rights of Vulnerable Migrants, Migration and Asylum Management and Monitoring Mechanisms in Nakhchivan for the law-enforcement agencies involved in migration management.

Project News
CareFor holds a Human Rights Training for actors involved with Forced Returns in Moldova

15 June 2023

On 9 June, a training on human rights pertaining to forced return operations has been delivered to relevant actors in Moldova. The training was organised by ICMPD, in partnership with the Moldovan Ombudsman Office, within the framework of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor).

On 9 June, a training on human rights pertaining to forced return operations has been delivered to relevant actors in Moldova. The training was organised by ICMPD, in partnership with the Moldovan Ombudsman Office, within the framework of the project “Capacity for a Rights-Based Reception System for Moldova” (CareFor).

Project News
ICMPD opens three Ukrainian Consultation Centres in Prague, Berlin and Gdansk

09 June 2023

In May 2023, ICMPD’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office established three Ukrainian Consultation Centres in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic within the framework of the RRR-MFA/SMS (Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services) project. The project is funded by the Ministry of Interior of Germany and the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and implemented by ICMPD.

In May 2023, ICMPD’s Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office established three Ukrainian Consultation Centres in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic within the framework of the RRR-MFA/SMS (Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services) project. The project is funded by the Ministry of Interior of Germany and the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and implemented by ICMPD.

Project News
ICMPD organises a training for Libyan officials on assisting citizens abroad in times of need

05 June 2023

On 22 – 25 May 2023, ICMPD organised a training for Libyan officials on assisting citizens abroad during times of crisis. The training was conducted within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility (LIBMITAF) project. 

On 22 – 25 May 2023, ICMPD organised a training for Libyan officials on assisting citizens abroad during times of crisis. The training was conducted within the framework of the EU- and Swiss co-funded Libya’s Migration Technical Assistance Facility (LIBMITAF) project. 
