TAPPING INTO GLOBAL TALENT - New players joining international race for talent

Released 01 February 2021

With countries, regions and even cities increasingly looking to international talent to drive growth and innovation, the case of Lithuania shows how various Member States aspire to become more attractive destinations. What is more, it highlights the importance of responsive and comprehensive talent policies.

Attracting International Talent to Lithuania


Published January 2021


How can Lithuania Harness International Talent to Drive Growth?

Policy Brief

Published January 2021


The state of play of Schengen governance: An assessment of the Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism


Published November 2020

Climate change and migration: Legal and policy challenges and responses to environmentally induced migration


Published July 2020

*European Union / *Global


This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines legal and policy responses to environmental migration and displacement. Following a review of international, regional and national initiatives and legal instruments, it offers recommendations on ways to better address root causes and consequences of the climate change-migration nexus in Europe and beyond.
