Grant Award Notices 2024
Award Notice No. 24.005
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct grant under the ''J&S Migration Partnership Programme, TIPSOM-NG Project''.
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 13/09/2024
Award Notice No. 24.004
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the "Border Management Programme in Central Asia -Phase 10 (BOMCA 10)" 2. Call for Proposals - For the non-profit civil society and non-governmental organisations working in the border regions of the Central Asian states (Agreement reference number: ACA/2020/420-247).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 26/07/2024
Award Notice No. 24.003
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)'' 2. Call for Proposals for Cooperative Support Grant Scheme for Job Creation (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568 ).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 19/07/2024
Award Notice No. 24.002
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the "Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia (STREAMinG 2)" 1. Call for Proposals ''Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia (STREAMinG) Phase 2'' project. (Agreement reference number: NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2023/445-691).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published July 10, 2024
Award Notice No. 24.001
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct award under the ''Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia (STREAMinG) Phase 2'' project. (Agreement reference number: NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2023/445-691).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 27/12/2023
Grant Award Notices 2023
Award Notice No. 23.009
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct award under the ''EU for Increasing Migrants’ Potential to Act for Development of Armenia (EU4IMPACT Armenia)''project. (Agreement reference number: ENI/2020/418-144).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 27/12/2023
Award Notice No. 23.008
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct award under the ''EU Support to Strengthening Integrated Border Management in Ukraine—Resilience (EU4IBM-Resilience)'' project. (Agreement reference number: NDCI-GEO-NEAR/2022/438-103).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 27/12/2023
Award Notice No. 23.007
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)'' 1. Call for Proposals for Cooperative Support Grant Scheme for Job Creation (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568 ).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 06/09/2023.
Award Notice No. 23.006
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Border Management Programme in Central Asia - Phase 10 (BOMCA 10)'' 1. Call for Proposals - For the non-profit civil society and non-governmental organizations working in the border regions of the Central Asian states (Agreement reference number: ACA/2020/420-247).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 12/05/2023
Award Notice No. 23.005
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)'' 1. Call for Proposals for Capacity Development for Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Institutions Grant Scheme (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568 ).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 17/04/2023.
Award Notice No. 23.004
ICMPD would like to provide information about the direct award contracts under the "Link Up! Serbia II Project":
-Mentoring SMEs and Vulnerable Groups for Export and Attracting Diaspora Investments,
-Mentoring for Internationalization and Diaspora Doing Business in Serbia,
-Mentoring for Expert and Internationalisation
(Agreement reference number: 2784-00/2019).
To download the grant award information please click here.
Published on 09/03/2023
Award Notice No. 23.003
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the "Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana) Demand Driven Facility (DDF) 2. Call for Proposals - Support to innovative approaches and best practices on mobility and border management" (Agreement reference number: T05-EUTF-SAH-GH-01-01)
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 16/01/2023
Award Notice No. 23.002
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)'' 1. Call for Proposals for SME Support Grant Scheme for Job Creation (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568 ).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 10/01/2023.
Award Notice No. 23.001
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the "Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia (STREAMinG)" 1. Call for Proposals for Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Civil Society Organisations Working on Migration Matters in Georgia (Agreement reference number: ENI/2021/428-485).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 10/01/2023
Grant Award Notices 2022
Award Notice No. 22.004
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the ''Mediterranean City-to-City Migration (MC2CM) - Phase II 3. CALL FOR TARGETED CITY ACTIONS (Agreement reference number: T05-EUTF-NOA-REG-02-01(T05.412)).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 29/12/2022
Award Notice No. 22.003
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of grant under the “Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER)”- LOCAL COMMON USE FACILITY GRANT SCHEME (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 29/12/2022
Award Notice No. 22.002
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct award under the ''EU for IMPACT Armenia - Increasing Migrants Potential to Act for development of Armenia" - SUPPORTING
MIGRANT BENEFICIARIES WITH BUSINESS INCUBATION (Agreement reference number: ENI/2020/418-144).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 07/03/2022
Award Notice No. 22.001
ICMPD would like to provide information about the award of a direct award under the ''EU for IMPACT Armenia - Increasing Migrants Potential to Act for development of Armenia" - SUPPORTING
MIGRANT BENEFICIARIES WITH BUSINESS INCUBATION (Agreement reference number: ENI/2020/418-144).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published 07/03/2022
Grant Award Notices 2021
Award Notice No. 21.003
ICMPD would like provide information about the award of a grant under the '''EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine (EU4IBM) - CALL FOR PROPOSALS - ENHANCEMENT OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION, COUNTER-SMUGGLING AND COUNTER-CORRUPTION CAPACITY OF IBM STAKEHOLDERS IN UKRAINE'' (Agreement reference number: ENI/2019/412-381).
To download the grant award information click here.
Award Notice No. 21.002
ICMPD would like provide information about the award of grants under the ''European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa'' - "SBS Ghana DDF 1. Call for Proposals - Support to innovative approaches and best practices on mobility and border management" (Agreement reference number: T05-EUTF-SAH-GH-01-01).
To download the grant award information click here.
Award Notice No. 21.001
ICMPD would like provide information about the award of grant under the ''Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Capacities for Sustainable Socio-Economic Integration (ENHANCER) '' ACTION
Pilot Local Common Use Facility Grant Scheme for Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa action (Agreement reference number: IPA/2019/411-568).
To download the grant award information click here.
Published on: 29 June 2021