Ukraine: first visa-free year since introducing the visa free regime (successes, challenges and lessons learned)

Policy Brief

Published April 2019


Public attitudes on migration: rethinking how people perceive migration


Published April 2019


This study aims to offer a better understanding of public attitudes to migration in 17 selected countries on both sides of the Mediterranean and to provide recommendations on how to communicate on migration in a non-polarising manner.  It attempts to explain why attitudes to migration are what they are — with an emphasis on the role of media.

Training Manual: How to be a good trainer?


Published April 2019

STRIVE Briefing Paper - The Strength to Carry On - Resilience and Vulnerability to Trafficking and Other Abuses among People Travelling along Migra...


Published April 2019

North Macedonia / Serbia / Bulgaria / Greece / Hungary / Italy / Germany

#Anti-Trafficking Policy #Trafficking in Human Beings #Human Trafficking #Anti-Trafficking Protocol


Healy, Claire (2019). The Strength to Carry On: Resilience and Vulnerability to Trafficking and Other Abuses among People Travelling along Migration Routes to Europe – Briefing Paper. Vienna: ICMPD.

“Migration Management in the Context of the European Elections”


Published March 2019


On 12 March 2019, ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger delivered a speech at the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria

The Migration Policy Cycle and Migration Crisis Response - A comparative report covering Germany, Italy, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom


Published March 2019

Germany / Italy / Russian Federation / Sweden / United Kingdom

Analytical Report - “China's Belt and Road” Initiative and Its Impact on Migration Flows and Policies in Central Asia


Published March 2019


Africa – Growth, Urbanisation and Development


Published February 2019


On 26 February, ICMPD's Director General delivered a speech at the reception organised by Côte d'Ivoire, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Prosper Africa.

6th Budapest Process Ministerial Conference „The Istanbul Commitments“


Published February 2019


On 20 February 2019, ICMPD's Director General Michael Spindelegger took part in the 6th Budapest Process Ministerial Conference. 

Evaluating the Future of Uzbek Labour Migration

Policy Brief

Published February 2019


Closing the policy gaps concerning an eventual mass influx of asylum seekers to Armenia

Policy Brief

Published February 2019


STRIVE Study - The Strength to Carry On - Resilience and Vulnerability to Trafficking and Other Abuses among People Travelling along Migration Rout...


Published February 2019

North Macedonia / Serbia / Greece / Bulgaria / Hungary / Germany / Italy

#Victim Identification #Anti-Trafficking Policy #Trafficking Network #Trafficking in Human Beings #Human Trafficking #Prevention


Healy, Claire (2019). The Strength to Carry On: Resilience and Vulnerability to Trafficking and Other Abuses among People Travelling along Migration Routes to Europe. Vienna: ICMPD.

Retention of International Students/Graduates in Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands

Working Paper

Published January 2019

Canada / Germany / Netherlands

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2019: Origins, key events and priorities for Europe

Policy Brief

Published January 2019

Bridging refugee protection and development - Policy Recommendations for Applying a Development-Displacement Nexus Approach


Published January 2019
