EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: The Pacific


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Association #Diaspora Engagement


The Pacific overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 12 Pacific countries, including relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Porteret, A. (2021) Diaspora engagement: The Pacific. Regional Series. EUDiF.

EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: Eastern Europe & Central Asia


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Association #Diaspora Engagement


The EECA overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 10 EECA countries to study relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: EECA. Regional Series. EUDiF.

Social Capital and Transnational Human Smuggling: What is the Impact of Counter-Smuggling Policies?


Published May 2021


The defining characteristic of the transnational market for human smuggling is the agentive choice by migrants to purchase services in order to facilitate their transportation across state borders. This broad definition includes a large variety of transactions between migrants and actors performing distinct roles, based on the nuances of diverse local dynamics. This analytical report applies a critical lens to the impact of counter-smuggling policies, in order to enable governments to set better-informed policy priorities. It is important that policymakers do not approach regulating human smuggling exclusively through the lenses of criminality, security, and law enforcement. Although human smuggling services are purchased through informal markets that infringe on national laws, these informal markets share many characteristics with other legal economic activities. A narrow focus on the criminal nature of the human smuggling industry would problematically draw policymakers’ attention away from understanding how the laws and regulations that they enact influence the lived experiences of migrants. By expanding this focus, this analytical report aims to provide government actors with a tool for understanding the nuances of the human smuggling market and the full effects of potential counter-smuggling policies.


A growing body of scholarship offers deeper insight into the disorganized and highly human interactions and transactions involved in irregular migration journeys. Rather than overemphasizing the role of transnational organized crime in human smuggling, this emerging field of research examines the role of interpersonal relationships and community knowledge in facilitating migration journeys and ameliorating potential risks. Broadly referred to as ‘social capital,’ information shared through diaspora communities about the reputation of smuggling service providers acts a regulatory mechanism in the absence of official government oversight. Individuals’ access to social capital is changeable and can fluctuate as the result of counter-smuggling policies, among other factors. Understanding the role of social capital in the market for human smuggling will allow government actors to design migration management policies that more effectively safeguard migrants’ wellbeing

ICMPD Regional Migration Outlook 2021 - South and West Asia (Silk Routes)


Published April 2021

Afghanistan / Bangladesh / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / India / Iraq / Pakistan

MC2CM Thematic Learning Report - Cultural Policies: A Vector for Migrants’ Inclusion in Urban Context


Published April 2021


This report collects evidence presented on the occasion of the peer-learning event on cultural policies and migrants’ inclusion in urban contexts held in Casablanca in December 2019, in the framework of the MC2CM project, as well as other relevant data existing in this field. It aims to provide accessible guidance for policymakers and other relevant stakeholders, on the connections existing between cultural aspects and migrants’ inclusion, and their policy relevance.

Study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration Programmes in Africa (Executive Summary)


Published April 2021

Study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration Programmes in Africa (Study)


Published April 2021

MC2CM Thematic Learning Report - Communication on Migration: An Issue of Local Governance. The benefits and challenges of promoting a realistic nar...


Published April 2021


This Thematic Learning Report draws on the results of the subregional event of the MC2CM project held under the auspices of the Municipality of Tunis on 18–19 September 2018. The event convened 47 participants from 9 city administrations, experts, as well as representatives of international and regional organisations, including the European Union and Swiss Embassy in Tunisia. The event was held in the framework of the flagship Migration Media Award Ceremony and related events on communication. It served as a first step in identifying challenges and opportunities in the field of communication on migration at local level, a work that will be carried forward in the implementation of MC2CM project.

MC2CM Thematic Learning Report - The Link between Homelessness and Migration Fostering Inclusive Neighbourhoods


Published April 2021


This report explores the key learnings shared at the MC2CM peer-to-peer event on The Link Between Homelessness and Migration: Fostering Inclusive Neighbourhoods, held virtually on 28 – 30 April 2021 and hosted by Municipality of Dortmund. The document further draws from broader learnings from the global homeless services sector and other relevant academic publications and data. The report positions these learnings within the framework of the MC2CM project as well as Agenda 2030, the New Urban Agenda, the Global Compact on Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees. This thematic report shares concrete examples as well as actionable guidance and policy recommendations for how to support migrants out of homelessness and into secure, adequate housing accommodation.

MC2CM Policy Recommendations - Communication on Migration: Rebalancing the Narrative to Strengthen Local Governance

Policy Brief

Published April 2021


This Thematic Learning Report draws on the results of the regional event of the MC2CM project held online and hosted by the Municipality of Seville and the Andalousian Fund of Municiplities for International Solidarity (FAMSI) from 15 to 18 June 2020 . The digital event convened 82 participants from the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond, including representatives of 23 cities, 5 local authorities’ network, NGOs, International Organisations, journalists, policy analysts and experts. The interactive sessions tackled rebalancing migration narratives for improved urban migration governance

ICMPD Regional Migration Outlook 2021 - Latin America and the Caribbean


Published March 2021

Ukrainian Labour Migration to the EU


Published March 2021


Since 2014, the number of Ukrainian labour migrants moving to the European Union (EU) has increased significantly. In 2019 alone, Ukrainian nationals received 660,000 residence permits for remunerated activities across the member states – the largest external labour force in the EU. The reliance of member state economies on workers from Ukraine has thus reached significant levels, as exemplified by the labour shortage seen during the COVID-19 crisis that forced the EU to shut down its borders.


While Ukrainian labour migration to the EU produces economic benefits on both sides, the exchange is beset by multiple challenges. These include limited protection of Ukrainian labour migrants, circumvention of work permit rules, and attempts by unscrupulous actors to lure Ukrainians into accepting precarious or non-existent jobs. This report assesses these challenges and their implications, before providing a set of targeted solutions, ranked according to a Feasibility Score. The proposed solutions range from establishing a ‘one-stop-shop’ for information provision and a joint employment database for non-EU nationals, to launching negotiations on amending the legislation on work permits.

Awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in Pakistan


Published March 2021



Hahn-Schaur, Katharina (2021). Awareness raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in Pakistan: Background Report. Vienna: ICMPD.

ICMPD Regional Migration Outlook 2021 - Turkey & Western Balkans


Published March 2021


MC2CM Thematic Learning Report - Inclusive Local Citizenship: Fostering the Right to the City for All


Published March 2021


This report collects evidence presented on the occasion of the peer-learning event on inclusive local citizenship virtually held by the city of Grenoble in March 2021, in the framework of the MC2CM project, as well as other relevant data existing in this field. The document aims to provide accessible guidance for policymakers and other relevant stakeholders on the topic of local inclusive citizenship as a way to foster the Right to the City for all, as well as to show the policy relevance of the actions herein exposed.
