Linking human capital, labour markets and international mobility: an assessment of challenges in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia


Published June 2020

Egypt / Jordan / Morocco / Tunisia


This publication follows and builds on the results of the study ‘Exploring and Proposing Mechanisms for Labour Matching in the Mediterranean Region’, a key programmatic output that identifies structural obstacles to a more optimal allocation of labour in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Taking these obstacles as a starting point, the study adopts a predominantly macro-economic perspective in order to pinpoint migration drivers in four southern Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia) and to propose suitable policy interventions from a multi-sectoral standpoint.

Models of Intersectoral Cooperation in the Field of Youth Integration - Analysis of characteristics and success criteria


Published June 2020

Mapping ENI SPCs migrants in the Euro-Mediterranean region: An inventory of statistical sources


Published March 2020


Addressing a crucial gap in policy-making, this study aims to instruct practitioners and government stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean region on where to collect statistical information for mapping locations, movement trends and characteristics of Arab expatriate communities, with a particular focus on collecting sociodemographic information. In addition to this, the inventory may be used to assess and inform countries’ outreach practices towards emigrants.

Integration Indicators in Austria - Youth Work in the Context of Integration


Published March 2020

The Asylum Appeals Procedure in Relation to the aims of European Asylum Systems and Policies


Published January 2020

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2020


Published January 2020

Youth Work in the Context of Integration - Report on results


Published January 2020

What policy communication works for migration? Using values to depolarise - Third Chapter


Published December 2019



The study provides a summary of key recommendations from existing best-practice guides for migration communication and policymakers. The aim of the study is to understand what values-based policy communication is and how they can communicate policies that are concordant with the values of their audiences in order to elicit sympathy.

Breaking Gridlocks And Moving Forward - Recommendations for the next five years of EU migration policy


Published November 2019

Impact of Public Attitudes to migration on the political environment in the Euro-Mediterranean Region – Second Chapter


Published November 2019


This chapter overviews public attitudes to migration in Southern Partner Countries (SPCs) and considers their effects on migration politics and policies in the region over the past 20 to 30 years. The objective of this chapter is to answer the following question: What are the political effects of public attitudes to migration in the southern and eastern Mediterranean?

Return Migration: Background, Practice Examples and Policy Options for Intra-EU Mobility - Focus on Poland


Published October 2019


Youth Work in the Context of Integration - Report on the current situation of immigrant youth in Austria


Published September 2019


Migration Observatory: Collected Publications 2018-2019


Published September 2019

Communication on Migration: An Issue of local governance


Published July 2019

ENIGMMA 2 Case Study: Georgian Diaspora in Greece, Italy and Spain


Published July 2019

Georgia / Greece / Italy / Spain
