SI-COM: Sweden-Iraq Cooperation on Migration Governance

#Capacity Development #Return and Reintegration #Governance

June 2024 to May 2026
Ministry of Justice, Kingdom of Sweden (MoJ)
Swedish Migration Agency (SMA)


Iraq is currently experiencing a period of relative stability following the defeat of ISIS, which had significantly disrupted migration patterns. Over the past decade, Iraq has seen substantial growth in its diaspora and notable internal displacement, alongside the continued presence of a migrant workforce in the country. This situation has developed amidst a growing working-age population and changing migration destinations. Despite the relative stability, Iraq faces significant migration challenges. These include the need to manage internal displacement, reintegrate returning migrants, and provide support to those intending to migrate. The Government of Iraq (GoI) and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) require strengthened capacities to effectively address these challenges. Capacity building is essential to operationalise migration governance programming and address migration governance challenges at all levels of government. Additionally, there is a need for enhanced access to information and services for migrants, particularly in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KR-I).

The SI-COM initiative, funded by the Swedish Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and the Swedish Migration Agency (SMA) and implemented by ICMPD within the framework of the Nordic Cooperation on Return and Reintegration in Iraq – NORAQ, aims to address these migration challenges by increasing awareness and access to services related to migration processes, referral mechanisms, and reintegration for outgoing, intending, and returning migrants in the KR-I. This initiative also seeks to strengthen the capacities of the Government of Iraq (GoI) and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in migration management.

The project comprises of three components:

  • Component 1: Strengthening and expanding the network of Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) in Iraq.
  • Component 2: Strengthening Project Management and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning capacities of governmental partners in Iraq.
  • Component 3: Strengthening institutional capacities of governmental partners in Iraq in key areas of migration management.


To facilitate timely, accurate, and comprehensive information flow on migration, including reintegration and referrals to the available services, to targeted audience in KR-I and beyond, through the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) in Sulaymaniyah and in partnership with the KRG.

  • Strengthening the Project Management (PM) and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) capacities of Iraqi institutions working on migration management programmes.
  • Strengthening capacities of Iraqi institutions in prioritised topics, in particular increasing the capacity of MOMD, MOLSA, MOP and JCC-KRG in migration management, including on labour migration pathways and return and reintegration.