EUDiF: EU Global Diaspora Facility

#Capacity Development #Migration and Development #Diaspora and Migrants

EUDiF seeks to harness the potential of diaspora engagement for development worldwide. It supports public institutions in partner countries and diaspora organisations in Europe with technical and/or financial assistance whilst also generating knowledge and facilitating dialogue to foster an informed, inclusive and impactful ecosystem.

Duty Stations
Brussels, Belgium
June 2019 to September 2027
European Union (DG International Partnerships)
Phase I: EUR 5 000 000, Phase II: EUR 5 000 000


EUDiF is the pioneering EU-funded project that adopts a global approach to diaspora engagement. The first phase of the project ran from June 2019 to June 2024, followed by a second phase until September 2027.

Phase I of EUDiF was organised around four core components: knowledge, dialogue, capacity development, and diaspora expertise. During this phase, the EUDiF team implemented 16 actions across 18 countries, focusing on profiling diaspora skills, enhancing the capacities of diaspora networks, and promoting knowledge transfer on topics including environmental sustainability, climate adaptation, tourism, education and investment.

At the start of the EUDiF provides capacity development for public institutions and pilots the Diaspora 4 Development Grants mechanism. With a strong commitment to inclusivity and growth, phase II is set to feature research on gender and disability, further dialogue activities and a new season of Diaspora Youth Internship program.

For additional information and resources, click here to visit the EUDiF website, which includes a host of resources from the first phase.

Resources from phase I:

  • A global mapping of 120 countries’ diaspora engagement policies, trends, practices, institutions and diaspora organisations (updated annually)
  • Six regional overviews: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America & the Caribbean, the Pacific, and Eastern Europe & Central Asia
  • Interactive tools, including a database with over 350 diaspora engagement practices and a typology of more than 430 public or semi-public institutions engaged with diaspora
  • Five case studies focusing on diaspora engagement in terms of crisis, diaspora & talent partnership, mobilising diaspora for green transition, youth entrepreneurship and heritage tourism, and skills profiling methodology
  • Eight thematic dossiers covering trade, profiling, skills transfer, heritage tourism, climate action, diaspora investment, professionalisation, communication.

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