In Focus
ICMPD and Niger sign cooperation agreement and deepen partnership

15 July 2022

On 13 July 2022, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger went on mission to Niger and met HE Hassoumi Massoudou, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Niger. They signed a Seat Agreement for ICMPD. Niger is the third country in West Africa in ICMPD’s expanding portfolio, and follows Nigeria and Ghana.

On 13 July 2022, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger went on mission to Niger and met HE Hassoumi Massoudou, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Niger. They signed a Seat Agreement for ICMPD. Niger is the third country in West Africa in ICMPD’s expanding portfolio, and follows Nigeria and Ghana.

Project News
Networking event: Vulnerable migrants and Social Welfare System in Poland

11 July 2022

On 23 June 2022 in Warsaw, Poland, the Polish Migration Forum Foundation (PFM), in collaboration with ICMPD and the Association for Legal Intervention (SIP), launched the first networking event as part of the ICMPD-led project on Comprehensive Support for People in a Vulnerable Situation in the Polish Migration Management System (KOMPLEKS). 

On 23 June 2022 in Warsaw, Poland, the Polish Migration Forum Foundation (PFM), in collaboration with ICMPD and the Association for Legal Intervention (SIP), launched the first networking event as part of the ICMPD-led project on Comprehensive Support for People in a Vulnerable Situation in the Polish Migration Management System (KOMPLEKS). 

Project News
Handover Ceremony of five Patrol Vessels and two Surveillance Vehicles

05 July 2022

On 5 July 2022, a ceremony took place to officially hand over five patrol vessels and two surveillance vehicles to the Border and Migration Police of the Albanian State Police of the Ministry of Interior of Albania. The vehicles were procured within the framework of the project “EU Support for the Effective Management of Green and Blue Borders in Albania, (EU4SAFEALB). 

Representatives of the Albanian Ministry of Interior, the Delegation of the European Union, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and other national and international counterparts gathered for the Handover Ceremony. After the opening speeches guests were invited to visit the boats for plaque reveal and partake in the traditional ‘baptism’. 

On 5 July 2022, a ceremony took place to officially hand over five patrol vessels and two surveillance vehicles to the Border and Migration Police of the Albanian State Police of the Ministry of Interior of Albania. The vehicles were procured within the framework of the project “EU Support for the Effective Management of Green and Blue Borders in Albania, (EU4SAFEALB). 

Representatives of the Albanian Ministry of Interior, the Delegation of the European Union, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and other national and international counterparts gathered for the Handover Ceremony. After the opening speeches guests were invited to visit the boats for plaque reveal and partake in the traditional ‘baptism’. 

In Focus
ICMPD Director General met Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan

01 July 2022

On 1 July 2022, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger welcomed Mr Farhod Salim, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. Ongoing projects and cooperation, as well as current migration challenges, were the subject of the visit.

On 1 July 2022, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger welcomed Mr Farhod Salim, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. Ongoing projects and cooperation, as well as current migration challenges, were the subject of the visit.

Project News
Psychological services introduced at the Migrants Accommodation Centre through the CareFor Project in Moldova

29 June 2022

A new service of psychological counselling will be rendered to the residents of the Migrants Accommodation Centre in Chisinau. Such service has been a pressing need at the Centre ever since its setting-up over a decade ago. Psychological counselling of foreigners is an increasing priority especially now, amidst the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in neighbouring Ukraine.

A new service of psychological counselling will be rendered to the residents of the Migrants Accommodation Centre in Chisinau. Such service has been a pressing need at the Centre ever since its setting-up over a decade ago. Psychological counselling of foreigners is an increasing priority especially now, amidst the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in neighbouring Ukraine.

Project News
CareFor project strengthens the risk analysis capacity of the Moldovan Bureau for Migration and Asylum

27 June 2022

On 27 June, the Bureau for Migration and Asylum was introduced to the external expert on risk analysis. The expert has been hired upon Bureau’s request to help the institution streamline its in-house risk analysis function amidst the current humanitarian crisis.

On 27 June, the Bureau for Migration and Asylum was introduced to the external expert on risk analysis. The expert has been hired upon Bureau’s request to help the institution streamline its in-house risk analysis function amidst the current humanitarian crisis.

Project News
EUROMED V hosts peer to peer conference on Capacity Partnerships

26 June 2022

From 21-23 June, Ministerial representatives of EU Member States and Southern Partner Countries, as well as migration experts from international organisations and academia met in Jordan at the Conference ‘Capacity Partnerships: Responding to the Needs of Refugees by Developing Opportunities for Host Countries’. They explored ways in which international cooperation could strengthen national and regional capacities to mitigate the challenges and maximise the benefits arising from protracted displacement.

From 21-23 June, Ministerial representatives of EU Member States and Southern Partner Countries, as well as migration experts from international organisations and academia met in Jordan at the Conference ‘Capacity Partnerships: Responding to the Needs of Refugees by Developing Opportunities for Host Countries’. They explored ways in which international cooperation could strengthen national and regional capacities to mitigate the challenges and maximise the benefits arising from protracted displacement.

Project News
Enhancing Civil-Military Cooperation in Fragile Lebanese Border Villages

20 June 2022

To support the volatile border regions, Akkar and Baalbeck, restore stability and establish stronger relations with border security agencies, the EU-funded Strengthening Capability for Integrated Border Management in Lebanon (EU IBM Lebanon Phase 3) Project signed a partnership agreement in the first quarter of 2021 with the NATO affiliate Multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG).

To support the volatile border regions, Akkar and Baalbeck, restore stability and establish stronger relations with border security agencies, the EU-funded Strengthening Capability for Integrated Border Management in Lebanon (EU IBM Lebanon Phase 3) Project signed a partnership agreement in the first quarter of 2021 with the NATO affiliate Multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG).

Project News
Evaluating the Ghana Immigration Service (2018-2022) Strategic Plan

14 June 2022

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana project (SBS Ghana) together with the Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG) supported the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) at a four day workshop in Koforidua-Ghana, to evaluate the implementation status of the 2018-2022 strategic plan of the Service. 

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana project (SBS Ghana) together with the Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG) supported the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) at a four day workshop in Koforidua-Ghana, to evaluate the implementation status of the 2018-2022 strategic plan of the Service. 

Project News
ATP Presents Three Practical Guidelines to Enhance the National Referral Mechanisms for Victims of Human Trafficking

13 June 2022

The Anti-Trafficking Programme (ATP) of ICMPD held the final event of the regional project “Developing Approaches for Enhancing the Functionality of the National Referral Mechanisms in the MARRI Participants”. The team presented three practical guidelines developed in the framework of the project.

The Anti-Trafficking Programme (ATP) of ICMPD held the final event of the regional project “Developing Approaches for Enhancing the Functionality of the National Referral Mechanisms in the MARRI Participants”. The team presented three practical guidelines developed in the framework of the project.

Project News
The Network of NATC SEE discusses the Ukrainian crisis and human trafficking in South-Eastern Europe

10 June 2022

On 2 June 2022, in Budva, Montenegro, the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-Eastern Europe met for their annual meeting. The rationale of the meeting was a discussion of the effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the trafficking in human beings in the region based on the network countries’ experience in the past months.

On 2 June 2022, in Budva, Montenegro, the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-Eastern Europe met for their annual meeting. The rationale of the meeting was a discussion of the effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the trafficking in human beings in the region based on the network countries’ experience in the past months.

Project News
New project launched: Rights Based Border Management in the Silk Routes Countries

10 June 2022

Denmark supports Pakistan to strengthen rights based border management capacities of Federal Investigation Agency

Denmark supports Pakistan to strengthen rights based border management capacities of Federal Investigation Agency

Project News
Four Ghanaian CSOs receive €400,000 grant from the SBS Ghana Project

10 June 2022

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana)  project, funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), organised a welcome ceremony, for four beneficiary organisations. They received a four hundred thousand Euro (€400,000) grant to implement activities that will support and contribute to innovative approaches on mobility issues and border management, in Ghana. This grant follows the first grant of € 300,000 awarded to three Ghanaian CSOs in August 2021.

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana)  project, funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), organised a welcome ceremony, for four beneficiary organisations. They received a four hundred thousand Euro (€400,000) grant to implement activities that will support and contribute to innovative approaches on mobility issues and border management, in Ghana. This grant follows the first grant of € 300,000 awarded to three Ghanaian CSOs in August 2021.

Project News
EUROMED Migration V runs its first Training for Young Migration Professionals

09 June 2022

In May 2022, the EUROMED Migration V project in cooperation with the Training Institute for Migration Capacity Partnerships organised its first Training for Young Migration Professionals in Malta: a 5-day course for students from Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya, and Palestine.

In May 2022, the EUROMED Migration V project in cooperation with the Training Institute for Migration Capacity Partnerships organised its first Training for Young Migration Professionals in Malta: a 5-day course for students from Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Tunisia, Libya, and Palestine.

Project News
SPRING webinar on entrepreneurship support for (female) beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine

09 June 2022

On 2 June 2022, ICMPD, as part of the SPRING project, held a webinar on entrepreneurship as a driver of economic inclusion, focusing on good practices, challenges, and opportunities for (female) beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine. The panel featured a diverse range of experts and practitioners working in the field of the EU and ICMPD Member States.

On 2 June 2022, ICMPD, as part of the SPRING project, held a webinar on entrepreneurship as a driver of economic inclusion, focusing on good practices, challenges, and opportunities for (female) beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine. The panel featured a diverse range of experts and practitioners working in the field of the EU and ICMPD Member States.
