Project News

Four Ghanaian CSOs receive €400,000 grant from the SBS Ghana Project

10 June 2022

The Strengthening Border Security in Ghana (SBS Ghana)  project, funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), organised a welcome ceremony, for four beneficiary organisations. They received a four hundred thousand Euro (€400,000) grant to implement activities that will support and contribute to innovative approaches on mobility issues and border management, in Ghana. This grant follows the first grant of € 300,000 awarded to three Ghanaian CSOs in August 2021.

The Demand Driven Facility (DDF) is the second component of the SBS Ghana project, which seeks to work closely with civil society organisations, universities, research and training institutions, think tanks, traders’ organisations and media organisations etc. by inviting them to  submit research and action projects highlighting innovative approaches and best practices on mobility and border management.

The four beneficiary organisations, BOK Africa Concern, Ghana Integrity Initiative, University of Education, Winneba and the Centre for Migration Studies - University of Ghana, emerged as successful applicants from the second Demand Driven Facility Call for Proposals, launched in June 2021. Their activities will focus on crosscutting issues ranging from border security, trafficking in human beings, anti-corruption, and counter violent extremism among others.
