TAPPING INTO GLOBAL TALENT - New players joining international race for talent

Released 01 February 2021

With countries, regions and even cities increasingly looking to international talent to drive growth and innovation, the case of Lithuania shows how various Member States aspire to become more attractive destinations. What is more, it highlights the importance of responsive and comprehensive talent policies.

Attracting International Talent to Lithuania


Published January 2021


How can Lithuania Harness International Talent to Drive Growth?

Policy Brief

Published January 2021


The Migration Policy Cycle: Making the case for evidence-informed and inclusive policy-making

Released 17 October 2019

Migration ranks among the most important and contested public policy issues in many countries. In this context, the policy development process is often far away from the ‘ideal scenario’ and prone to being influenced by election cycles, public opinion or crisis situations.

Attract, Facilitate and Retain - Return Migration Policies in the Context of Intra-EU Mobility

Released 04 October 2019

Free movement of labour within the EU has led to unprecedented possibilities for EU citizens to improve their lives by moving to higher-income EU Member States. The consequences for Member States who are mostly origin countries have so far received little attention. Facing increasing challenges on their domestic labour markets, a number of EU Member States have started to develop policies in order to attract back citizens to the country.
