New publication: “Beyond Joint Actions: Towards integrated anti-trafficking responses of European Union Member States and Western Balkans”

Released 21 February 2022

17 February 2022, The Anti-Trafficking Programme of ICMPD presents the Non-paper “Beyond Joint Actions: Towards integrated anti-trafficking responses of European Union Member States and Western Balkans”. The document identifies avenues of collaboration between anti-trafficking stakeholders in the Western Balkans (WB) and the European Union (EU), including its institutions and agencies as well as its Member States (MS), with a view to enhancing the quality and effectiveness of interventions to combat trafficking in human beings (THB) across Europe.

The Network of NATC SEE discusses the Ukrainian crisis and human trafficking in South-Eastern Europe

Released 10 June 2022

On 2 June 2022, in Budva, Montenegro, the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-Eastern Europe met for their annual meeting. The rationale of the meeting was a discussion of the effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the trafficking in human beings in the region based on the network countries’ experience in the past months.

World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2023

Released 28 July 2023

The annual World Day against Trafficking in Persons, marked on 30th July, brings together policy-makers, operational specialists and the general public to reflect upon the response to trafficking in human beings (THB) in their own country, region and globally. This year, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) marks this occasion by emphasising the importance of regional approaches in combatting THB and supporting its victims.

STREAMinG Phase 2: Moot Court Competition on Trafficking in Human Beings, named after Giorgi Margiani

Released 15 February 2024

On 13-15 December 2023, a Moot Court Competition on Trafficking in Human Beings took place in a collaborative effort between the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, and the Training Centre of Justice of Georgia. The event, held within the framework of the EU-funded STREAMinG Phase 2 project, aimed to raise awareness on the critical issue of human trafficking. 

Reporting on Trafficking in Human Beings

Released 16 April 2018

Trafficking in human beings (THB) is a complex issue. At the heart of trafficking is the exploitation of one human being against their will by another, yet a large number of legal and social issues are linked with this process. As a result, trafficking can simultaneously be considered an organised crime challenge, a human rights violation, an issue linked with migration, labour market dynamics, gender or economic development. Each of these perspectives applies a different “narrative” to explain what human trafficking is and why it occurs. These different narratives sometimes present challenges for media professionals and journalists reporting on THB, and can lead to inaccurate or damaging representations of trafficking in the media.

Lost in Categorisation – Smuggled and Trafficked Refugees and Migrants on the Balkan Route

Released 07 June 2018

The approach of states to managing immigration and asylum relies to a significant extent on the assignment of categories to people entering from abroad. Yet many adults and children travelling along migration routes do not fit neatly into just one of these categories. A new ICMPD Working Paper examines the challenges, and some possible ways forward, in dealing with the nexus between asylum, migrant smuggling and human trafficking in mixed migration contexts.



Asylum and International Protection / Capacity Development / Trafficking in human beings

PROTECT: Improving Migration Management and Migrant Protection in selected Silk Routes and Central Asian Countries

Afghanistan / Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Pakistan / Tajikistan / Uzbekistan

Asylum and International Protection / Irregular Migration / Trafficking in human beings

OCWAR-T: Organised crime: West African Response to trafficking

Nigeria / Senegal / Ghana / Cabo Verde / Benin / Burkina Faso / Côte d'Ivoire / Gambia / Guinea / Guinea-Bissau / Liberia / Mali / Sierra Leone / Togo / Mauritania / Niger

Trafficking in human beings

Needing to use migrant smuggling services as a position of vulnerability: Trafficking on migration routes to Europe

Released 30 June 2019

To mark World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2019, this ICMPD Expert Voice article puts the spotlight on a neglected and under-reported form of human trafficking in the context of mixed migration: trafficking for forced migrant smuggling. 

Latest research findings on resilience and vulnerability to human trafficking on migration routes to Europe

Released 29 October 2018

This article presents some of the findings from our in-depth, multi-country research project “Study on Trafficking Resilience and Vulnerability en route to Europe (STRIVE)”. The analysis of the research findings is still ongoing, however first results are ready to be shared. 

ICMPD and UNODC will co-chair the Inter-Agency Coordination Group against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT) in 2022

Released 16 November 2021

On 15 November 2021, the Third ICAT Principal Level Meeting took place. The meeting assessed the implementation of the group’s Plan of Action, adopted a joint statement related to the upcoming UN General Assembly’s High-Level meeting and endorsed ICMPD and UNODC as co-chairs of ICAT in 2022.

Marking the 16th EU Anti-Trafficking Day

Released 19 October 2022

As a Secretariat of the Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators in South-East Europe (NATC SEE), ICMPD supports the Slovenian chairmanship of the Network to mark the EU Anti-trafficking day. The Network issued a Joint Statement addressing the vulnerability of the millions affected by the war in Ukraine to exploitation, abuse and human trafficking.

KOMPLEKS: Capacity building trainings on vulnerable migrants for relevant public institutions in Poland

Released 24 October 2022

Between July and September 2022, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organised a first series of training on gender-based violence and risk of human trafficking of unaccompanied minors. 

Shelter Management, Case Management and Trauma Informed Practice-Developing Responses to Protect Victims of Human Trafficking

Released 05 December 2023

On 28-29 November 2023, the Anti-Trafficking Programme (ATP) of ICMPD organised a training on managing shelters for trafficked persons, case management, and cooperation of shelters. The training took place in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire and participating organisations came from Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, and Togo.

Trafficking in domestic work: Looking at the demand-side

Working Paper

Published March 2016

Steering Demand and the Quest for ‘Better Regulation’

Working Paper

Published January 2016

Integrated Findings in Addressing Demand and Policy Recommendations

Working Paper

Published October 2017

The Role of Labour Inspections in Addressing Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Policy Brief

Published October 2017

The Demand-Side in Anti-Trafficking: Current measures and ways forward

Policy Brief

Published October 2017

Yearbook on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe


Published January 2013
