How are the war in Syria and the refugee crisis affecting human trafficking?

Policy Brief

Published January 2016

Research Brief: Long-Term Socio-Economic Implications of 'Crisis-Induced' Return Migration on Countries of Origin


Published January 2016

Research Brief: Actors and stakeholder involvement in crisis mitigation


Published January 2016

Briefing Paper - Targeting Vulnerabilities: The Impact of the Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons - A Study of Syria, Turkey...


Published January 2016

Syrian Arab Republic / Türkiye / Lebanon / Jordan / Iraq

Speeches for the Inaugural Receptions in Brussels and Vienna


Published January 2016


On the occassion of his inauguration as Director General of ICMPD, Mr Michael Spindelegger gave speeches both at the Brussels mission on 26 January, as well as in Vienna on 29 January. In his speeches, Mr Spindelegger discussed his vision of strengthening ICMPD's role as a think and do-tank and furthermore enhancing the role which the organisation is taking in assisting governments and regional organisations on migration issues.

Emerging Findings: A Comparative Study of Six Crisis Situations


Published January 2016

Steering Demand and the Quest for ‘Better Regulation’

Working Paper

Published January 2016

Border Municipalities: Cross-Border Mobility, Migration, Vulnerabilities and Labor Insertion (MT Brasil)


Published January 2016


#Labour Migration #Border Area #Migration and Development #Cross Cutting Topics

Practical Guide for Assistance of Migrants, Refugees, Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Returned Brazilians, in Vulnerable Situations and in Bo...


Published January 2016


#Trafficking in Human Beings #Cross Cutting Topics #Refugee #Human Trafficking #Border Area #Return Migration

Guide for Assistance of Migrants, Refugees, Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Returned Brazilians, in Vulnerable Situations and in Border Areas...


Published January 2016


#Border Area #Trafficking in Human Beings #Human Trafficking #Cross Cutting Topics #Refugee #Return Migration

Collection and dissemination of information in the area of international migration in Brazil (MT Brasil)


Published January 2016


#Cross Cutting Topics #Trans-Border Mobility #Border Area #Border Crossing #Border Management Policy

Republic of Moldova: Migration Profile Light


Published January 2016

Moldova (Republic of)

Targeting Vulnerabilities: The Impact of the Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons - A Study of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan...


Published December 2015

Syrian Arab Republic / Türkiye / Lebanon / Jordan / Iraq

#Civil War Refugee #Refugee #Anti-Trafficking Policy #Trafficking Network #Human Trafficking


ICMPD (2016). Targeting Vulnerabilities: The Impact of the Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons – Briefing Paper. Vienna: ICMPD

Needs and Obstacles to the Labor Insertion and Social Integration of Immigrants: Case Study in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and...


Published December 2015


#Cross Cutting Topics #Integration #Labour #Social Inclusion #Legal Migration Policy
