Global Strategy Forum


Published October 2017


On 17 October ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger opened the events season 2017-18 of the Global Strategy Forum in London with a key note speech. 

Integrated Findings in Addressing Demand and Policy Recommendations

Working Paper

Published October 2017

Demand-side Interventions Against Trafficking in Human Beings: Towards an Integrated Theoretical Approach

Working Paper

Published October 2017

Demand Arguments in Different Fields of Trafficking in Human Beings

Working Paper

Published October 2017

The Role of Labour Inspections in Addressing Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Policy Brief

Published October 2017

The Demand-Side in Anti-Trafficking: Current measures and ways forward

Policy Brief

Published October 2017

The Role of Labour Inspection in Addressing Demand in the Context of Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation

Working Paper

Published October 2017

Towards an Iraqi diaspora engagement policy

Policy Brief

Published August 2017

Learning from Demand-Side Campaigns against Trafficking in Human Beings: Evaluation as Knowledge-Generator and Project-Improver

Working Paper

Published June 2017

4th Global Mayoral Forum On Human Mobility, Migration and Development


Published June 2017


On 27 June the 4th Global Mayoral Forum On Human Mobility, Migration and Development took place in Berlin, Germany. ICMPD Director General shared some remarks at the opening of Session 3 "Working through multi-stakeholder partnerships to enhance the development impact of migration and forced displacement".   

How to Ensure Inter-State Cooperation on Safe, Orderly and Dignified Return? Ideas for the UN Global Compact for Migration

Policy Brief

Published June 2017

Past, Present and Future Solidarity: Which Relocation Mechanisms Work and Which Do Not?

Policy Brief

Published June 2017

Speech by ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger, delivered on 9 May 2017 at UNIDO HQ, Vienna, Austria


Published May 2017


Speech by ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger, delivered on 9 May 2017 at UNIDO HQ, Vienna, Austria.

EU’s Return Policy: Mission Accomplished in 2016? Reading between the lines of the latest EUROSTAT return statistics

Policy Brief

Published May 2017

Design study on a scheme to attract non-EU resident highly skilled entrepreneurial innovators


Published May 2017
