RRF: Return and Reintegration Facility

#Return and Reintegration

*European Union / Albania / Armenia / Bangladesh / Cameroon / Côte d'Ivoire / Gambia / Georgia / Ghana / Iceland / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Senegal / Switzerland
Duty Stations
Brussels, Belgium
January 2022 to June 2026
Implementing Agency


Funded by the European Commission (DG HOME) and implemented by ICMPD, the Return and Reintegration Facility (RRF) supports European Member States and Schengen Associated Countries (MS) to increase the effectiveness of their return and reintegration programming.

The RRF provides operational and financial support to MS to facilitate the development of solutions and activities with an EU-added value in the area of return and reintegration, whilst bridging gaps between existing initiatives. In parallel, the RRF supports the implementation of the EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration.

The RRF manages the Reintegration Assistance Tool (RIAT), a digital platform designed to streamline the management and delivery of reintegration assistance to returnees. RIAT acts as a central hub for the exchange of information and coordination among a diverse range of stakeholders, including EU Member States (MS), other host countries, EU institutions like Frontex, and reintegration service providers worldwide.

The RRF work rotates around into three main work areas:
- the counselling and outreach stream aims to support MS in building effective return counselling processes and structures;
- with direct Services, the project aims to facilitate the procurement and contract management of specific, targeted services for persons who require medical care and the provision of direct financial support during the return process;
- to foster local ownership the RRF supports the cooperation among the MS, national authorities in countries of origin and other relevant stakeholders.