BOMCA 10: Border Management Programme in Central Asia – Phase 10

#Border Management and Security

Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan / Turkmenistan / Uzbekistan
April 2021 to September 2025
The European Union
Partners responsible for the thematic components:
• State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia (Component 1)
• State Border Guard Service of the Republic of Lithuania (Component 2)
• State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia (Component 3)
• International Centre for Migration Policy Development (Component 4)

Associate partners:
• Ministry of Interior of Hungary
• Central Directorate for Immigration and Border Police of the Italian Republic
• Food and Veterinary Service of the Republic of Latvia
• Riga Technical University
• Border Guard of the Republic of Poland
Implementing Agency
The action is implemented by a consortium of the border management agencies of the selected EU MSs and ICMPD, led by the State Border Guard of the Republic of Latvia.


The Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) is a flagship initiative funded by the European Union (EU) aiming at increasing security and stability in the region by fostering sustainable economic development through integrated border management (IBM).

Since its launch in 2003, the various phases of the BOMCA Programme have focused on capacity building and institutional development, developing trade corridors and facilitation of trade, improving border management systems and eliminating drug trafficking across the Central Asia region. Each new phase of BOMCA was designed to gradually build upon and consolidate the results achieved during the preceding phases.

The 10th phase of the Programme builds on the achievements of the previous phases as well as introduces new cooperation avenues within its geographical scope.

The overall objective of the Programme:

to enhance security, stability, and sustainable growth in the region, as well as support cross-border cooperation and improve living conditions for people living in border areas of Central Asia

The implementation of the overall objective will be ensured by the means of the four specific objectives matching to the corresponding Programme’s components:

Component 1: Institutional Development of Border Control Agencies
Specific Objective 1:

Adopted international security standards, integration of best practices and/or compliance with IBM models where applicable 


Component 2: Improvement of Detection Capacities
Specific Objective 2:

Enhanced detection, coordination and investigation effectiveness within Central Asia


Component 3: Facilitation of Trade
Specific Objective 3:

Harmonised institutional, technical and normative practices related to the facilitation of legitimate flows of people and cargo across borders


Component 4: Improvement of Cross-border Cooperation
Specific Objective 4:

Improved living conditions in border areas through local economic development, with a focus on human rights, gender equality and vulnerable groups (such as women, children, and victims of human trafficking).


BOMCA 10 in a nutshell

Regional structure

Regional structure of the programme consists of the Regional Office in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), and Country Offices for Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Kazakhstan (Astana), Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Uzbekistan (Tashkent) and Turkmenistan (Ashgabat)

Secretariat of the Programme

The BOMCA Secretariat is located in ICMPD HQ in Vienna and is responsible for financial, administrative and technical management of the project.


For any further information on the BOMCA 10 Programme, please, contact the Programme Secretariat at ICMPD at
