#Irregular Migration #Trafficking in human beings

November 2023 to May 2025
EU DG HOME, Migration Partnership Facility (MPF)
The Presidency of Migration Management, the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Türkiye
Implementing Agency


Objective: The overall objective of the P-ACT project is to strengthen efforts targeting to reduce trafficking in human beings in Türkiye through strengthening the capacities of relevant national actors for early identification, prevention, investigation and prosecution as well as for supporting awareness raising and international dialogue efforts in the field of THB. These overall objectives are planned to be achieved through the following actions:

Summary: This project is coordinated with the Ministry of Interior’s Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) under three components:

• Component 1: This component aims at building the capacities of relevant national actors for combating THB through i) organizing trainings targeting law enforcement personnel on specialised topics for strengthening prevention and identification of THB cases, ii) facilitation of annual coordination meetings on combating THB with the participation of staff from PMM and its Provincial Directorates (PDMMs) as well as provincial THB focal points and staff of relevant local actors, iii) organization of consultative workshops with the members of the judiciary on investigation and prosecution procedures.
• Component 2: This component aims at developing an integrated approach to prevention of THB with an emphasis on coordinated approaches along trafficking and migration routes supported by increased awareness at national level through i) organization of regular awareness-raising meetings on THB for relevant PDMM staff and the relevant local actors, ii) procurement, translation, and dissemination of relevant legal documents and sources on THB for raising further awareness among PMM/PDMM staff, iii) – Development of key messages and action points for the awareness campaign through a comprehensive needs assessment, iv) Development, production and dissemination of informative materials, v) Organization of study visits to a country of origin to facilitate dialogue on prevention of THB along migration routes and to a target country to observe good practices on THB.
• Component 3: This component aims at strengthening PMM’s THB operations and procedures by providing strengthening its physical infrastructure through i) refurbishment of THB shelters, ii) supply of technical devices, and iii) supply of vehicles to facilitate THB (potential) victims’ access to relevant protection services.