The Prague Process launches its E-Learning Platform

13 August 2021

The Prague Process Training Academy is entering a new phase by launching the E-learning Platform.


The platform is meant to serve the Prague Process states and partners with educational material for self-paced independent remote learning on migration and asylum. In times when in-person learning is reduced, e-learning tools become a safe and effective alternative to face-to-face classroom settings offering a convenient way for busy professionals to gain, enrich or refresh knowledge on migration matters.


The platform currently hosts three online courses on labour migration, identification and profiling, and integrated border management (IBM). The first two courses feature a series of short videos, quizzes and further readings. Meanwhile, the IBM course comprises rich written material with quizzes. All courses are available in English and Russian and can be repeated multiple times and adjusted to individual schedules without the risk to lose progress. Upon completing a course, successful participants receive a certificate of completion.


In order to access courses, users should register on the platform and enrol in the courses of their choice. The registration process is simple and straightforward, and the enrolment is done in one click. You are invited to watch a short explainer video to get around.

The Prague Process Training Academy is entering a new phase by launching the E-learning Platform.


The platform is meant to serve the Prague Process states and partners with educational material for self-paced independent remote learning on migration and asylum. In times when in-person learning is reduced, e-learning tools become a safe and effective alternative to face-to-face classroom settings offering a convenient way for busy professionals to gain, enrich or refresh knowledge on migration matters.


The platform currently hosts three online courses on labour migration, identification and profiling, and integrated border management (IBM). The first two courses feature a series of short videos, quizzes and further readings. Meanwhile, the IBM course comprises rich written material with quizzes. All courses are available in English and Russian and can be repeated multiple times and adjusted to individual schedules without the risk to lose progress. Upon completing a course, successful participants receive a certificate of completion.


In order to access courses, users should register on the platform and enrol in the courses of their choice. The registration process is simple and straightforward, and the enrolment is done in one click. You are invited to watch a short explainer video to get around.

Project News
ReConnect Project: First Return Counselling Training to Turkish Officials

10 August 2021

On 03 - 06 August 2021, ICMPD trainers held the first Return Counselling Training for the National Stakeholders of the Turkish National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme. The training is carried out within the new ReConnect Project and marks the beginning of a training series.

On 03 - 06 August 2021, ICMPD trainers held the first Return Counselling Training for the National Stakeholders of the Turkish National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme. The training is carried out within the new ReConnect Project and marks the beginning of a training series.

Project News
EUROMED Migration V releases new study on immigration narratives

03 August 2021

The EUROMED Migration V project in cooperation with the Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM) just released a new study on migration narratives titled “Immigration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region: what people believe and why.” The publication is authored by the Head of OPAM, Dr. James Dennison.

The EUROMED Migration V project in cooperation with the Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM) just released a new study on migration narratives titled “Immigration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region: what people believe and why.” The publication is authored by the Head of OPAM, Dr. James Dennison.

In Focus
World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2021

30 July 2021

In 2013, during the UN General Assembly, the Member States adopted the resolution A/RES/68/192 and designated July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons (TIP). The day is dedicated to “raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.” To mark the day, the ICMPD Anti-Trafficking Programme highlights the importance of effective transnational and cross-border cooperation as an essential tool for successful counter-trafficking actions, including timely and adequate identification and support to the victims.

In 2013, during the UN General Assembly, the Member States adopted the resolution A/RES/68/192 and designated July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons (TIP). The day is dedicated to “raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.” To mark the day, the ICMPD Anti-Trafficking Programme highlights the importance of effective transnational and cross-border cooperation as an essential tool for successful counter-trafficking actions, including timely and adequate identification and support to the victims.

Project News
FReMM workshop on the management framework for the forced return monitoring system in Moldova

21 July 2021

On 13 July, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Development of a Forced-Return Monitoring System in the Republic of Moldova” (FReMM) to discuss the key elements of a management framework for the country’s emerging system of forced-return monitoring. The workshop gathered management-level representatives from the Moldovan Bureau for Migration and Asylum, People’s Advocates Office of Moldova, the NGO Law Centre of Advocates, as well as ICMPD project and expert team.

On 13 July, ICMPD organised a workshop for Moldovan stakeholders as part of the project “Development of a Forced-Return Monitoring System in the Republic of Moldova” (FReMM) to discuss the key elements of a management framework for the country’s emerging system of forced-return monitoring. The workshop gathered management-level representatives from the Moldovan Bureau for Migration and Asylum, People’s Advocates Office of Moldova, the NGO Law Centre of Advocates, as well as ICMPD project and expert team.

Project News
Annual Policy Initiative 2021: Virtual senior expert roundtable on the role of information and ICT in the context of irregular migration

14 July 2021

On 8 July 2021, ICMPD held a virtual senior expert roundtable to discuss how migrants and policymakers can make better use of information in the context of irregular migration. The meeting brought together a diverse range of senior experts from EU and ICMPD Member States, international organisations, research centres and other relevant bodies for a lively conversation on this evolving and increasingly popular topic within migration management. Participants discussed the role of ICT and social media in particular for migrants’ decision-making as well as for governments’ monitoring and forecasting.

On 8 July 2021, ICMPD held a virtual senior expert roundtable to discuss how migrants and policymakers can make better use of information in the context of irregular migration. The meeting brought together a diverse range of senior experts from EU and ICMPD Member States, international organisations, research centres and other relevant bodies for a lively conversation on this evolving and increasingly popular topic within migration management. Participants discussed the role of ICT and social media in particular for migrants’ decision-making as well as for governments’ monitoring and forecasting.

Project News
ICMPD’s ENHANCER Project: Press Conference on Grant Schemes

02 July 2021

ICMPD’s ENHANCER Project held a press conference in Ankara to announce three different grant calls for proposals to support entrepreneurship and job creation through various means. The press conference once again markets the excellent collaboration among ICMPD, EUD and the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

ICMPD’s ENHANCER Project held a press conference in Ankara to announce three different grant calls for proposals to support entrepreneurship and job creation through various means. The press conference once again markets the excellent collaboration among ICMPD, EUD and the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

Project News
FReM III and FReMM delivered a four-day training for Forced-Return Monitors from the Republic of Moldova

29 June 2021

On 22-25 June 2021, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) organised a training for the recently appointed forced-return monitors from the Republic of Moldova. This activity took place as part of joint efforts of the EU funded project “Forced-Return Monitoring III” (FReM III) and the project “Development of a Forced-Return Monitoring System in the Republic of Moldova” (FReMM) funded by the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

On 22-25 June 2021, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) organised a training for the recently appointed forced-return monitors from the Republic of Moldova. This activity took place as part of joint efforts of the EU funded project “Forced-Return Monitoring III” (FReM III) and the project “Development of a Forced-Return Monitoring System in the Republic of Moldova” (FReMM) funded by the Polish Ministry of the Interior and Administration.

Project News
Launch of the study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration Programmes in Africa

28 June 2021

On 23 June 2021, a webinar was convened within the framework of the C2CMMD to launch the study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration (RRR) Programmes in Africa. In their opening remarks, the AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, HE Amira El Fadil, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms. Ylva Johansson, and ICMPD’s Director General, Mr. Michael Spindelegger reiterated the importance of strengthening cooperation in line with respective agendas and priorities, reinforced by contributions from Managing Director at the European External Action Service, Ms. Rita Laranjinha, and Mme. Mariama Cisse, Director for  Social Affairs of the African Union Commission.

On 23 June 2021, a webinar was convened within the framework of the C2CMMD to launch the study on Return, Readmission and Reintegration (RRR) Programmes in Africa. In their opening remarks, the AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, HE Amira El Fadil, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ms. Ylva Johansson, and ICMPD’s Director General, Mr. Michael Spindelegger reiterated the importance of strengthening cooperation in line with respective agendas and priorities, reinforced by contributions from Managing Director at the European External Action Service, Ms. Rita Laranjinha, and Mme. Mariama Cisse, Director for  Social Affairs of the African Union Commission.

Project News
Revisiting EU-Turkey Cooperation on Migration: Roadmap for an Enhanced Partnership

25 June 2021

A new policy brief by the ICMPD Country Office in Turkey looks into ongoing cooperation between the EU and Turkey on migration matters, including the implementation of the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement.

A new policy brief by the ICMPD Country Office in Turkey looks into ongoing cooperation between the EU and Turkey on migration matters, including the implementation of the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement.

Expert Voice
Where do I go now? Afghans seeking to migrate in view of international troops leaving the country

21 June 2021

The Counsellors at the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) in Kabul, operated jointly by ICMPD and the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation funded by the European Union, have seen a significant rise in migration related inquiries since the beginning of 2021. Currently, the MRC team counsel about 1,000 Afghans on a monthly basis, in-person, by phone and over message services. This is how they assess the current migration situation in Afghanistan.

The Counsellors at the Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) in Kabul, operated jointly by ICMPD and the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation funded by the European Union, have seen a significant rise in migration related inquiries since the beginning of 2021. Currently, the MRC team counsel about 1,000 Afghans on a monthly basis, in-person, by phone and over message services. This is how they assess the current migration situation in Afghanistan.

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum

21 June 2021

On 19 June, Michael Spindelegger, ICMPD Director General, attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and took part in the high-level panel “Humanitarian Approach towards Refugees and Migrants”. On the panel, he was joined by Mr Antonio Vitorino (IOM Director General), Dr. Kerem Kinik (Red Crescent/IFRC) and Dr. Savaş Ünlü (Director DGMM Turkey). Andrea Sanke moderated the panel.

On 19 June, Michael Spindelegger, ICMPD Director General, attended the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and took part in the high-level panel “Humanitarian Approach towards Refugees and Migrants”. On the panel, he was joined by Mr Antonio Vitorino (IOM Director General), Dr. Kerem Kinik (Red Crescent/IFRC) and Dr. Savaş Ünlü (Director DGMM Turkey). Andrea Sanke moderated the panel.

Expert Voice
The impact of COVID-19 on talent attraction: An unexpected opportunity for the EU?

21 June 2021

2020 will go down as a year that upended lives, systems and the modus operandi of the entire world. This past year saw severe public health and economic crises coupled with unprecedented changes in global mobility. Borders were closed, visa processes frozen and exceptional travel restrictions imposed – all overnight. The exponential loss of resources and livelihoods suddenly suffered by tens of millions of migrant workers has impacted well-being across the board.

2020 will go down as a year that upended lives, systems and the modus operandi of the entire world. This past year saw severe public health and economic crises coupled with unprecedented changes in global mobility. Borders were closed, visa processes frozen and exceptional travel restrictions imposed – all overnight. The exponential loss of resources and livelihoods suddenly suffered by tens of millions of migrant workers has impacted well-being across the board.

Project News
Ghana Immigration prepares new Code of Conduct with the support of EU and SBS Ghana project

21 June 2021

The Ghana Immigration Service made an important step towards a new accountability system, in order to improve internal ethics and transparency with staff and citizens. The draft Code of Conduct for the Service was prepared during a workshop held between 14 and 18 June, in Accra.

The Ghana Immigration Service made an important step towards a new accountability system, in order to improve internal ethics and transparency with staff and citizens. The draft Code of Conduct for the Service was prepared during a workshop held between 14 and 18 June, in Accra.

In Focus
ICMPD at the 2021 European Development Days

16 June 2021

ICMPD, under the framework of the MIgration EU expertise+ (MIEUX+) Initiative organised the High-Level Panel ‘Human capital and mobility at the service of the green economy’ as part of the official programme of the 14th edition of the ‘European Development Days.

ICMPD, under the framework of the MIgration EU expertise+ (MIEUX+) Initiative organised the High-Level Panel ‘Human capital and mobility at the service of the green economy’ as part of the official programme of the 14th edition of the ‘European Development Days.
