Project News

ReConnect Project: First Return Counselling Training to Turkish Officials

10 August 2021

On 03 - 06 August 2021, ICMPD trainers held the first Return Counselling Training for the National Stakeholders of the Turkish National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme. The training is carried out within the new ReConnect Project and marks the beginning of a training series.

The training covered basic induction on AVRR policies, human rights, gender equality, information on countries of origin, and was followed by a comprehensive training on Return Counselling. Beneficiaries of the trainings were stakeholders of the National Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme (NAVRR); the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC).

The participants from the DGMM, its Provincial Departments and TRC were given a thorough training on essential elements of return counselling, including information provision, decision-making and pre-departure preparation.

The training aimed at increasing the return counselling capacities of the stakeholders to strengthen the implementation of Turkey’s NAVRR programme.

The training is the first one within a series to follow, and held under ICMPD’s Supporting the Development of Return Counselling Capacities (ReConnect) project, funded by Switzerland and implemented in cooperation with the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM).
