Project News

COVID-19 supplies for Lebanese border and security agencies

25 June 2020

Within the framework of the EU-funded project IBM Phase II in Lebanon, ICMPD facilitated the procurement and delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Lebanese border and security agencies in response to COVID-19 pandemic on 12 June 2020 in Beirut, Lebanon.

COVID-19 prevention supplies were delivered to the Lebanese border and security agencies that are partners in EU funded project Integrated Border Management (IBM) in Lebanon, Phase II, implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). Donated by the European Union, these supplies are meant to support Lebanon in combatting this pandemic and addressing the challenges it poses on border and security agencies, especially in light of the planned gradual reopening of border crossings that requires introducing new mechanisms to equally ensure the safety and health of both employees and travellers.

The COVID-19 prevention supplies, valued at EUR 110,000, were delivered in the presence of the Ambassador of the European Union Ralph Tarraf and representatives of ICMPD as well as the five project partners: Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), Internal Security Forces (ISF), General Security (GS), Lebanese Customs Administration (LCA) and Lebanese Civil Defence (LCD). In response to this pandemic, the procurement and delivery of these supplies followed close coordination with the Lebanese agencies to identify their most pressing needs that can be promptly catered for through a pool of Lebanon-based suppliers.
