Project News

BOMCA advances its work with Central Asian NGOs to improve living conditions of border communities

26 July 2024

BOMCA selected and provided EU funding to 12 projects in the framework of its second Call for Proposals. Continuing the established good practice of cooperation with NGOs from Central Asia, selected NGOs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan began implementing actions aimed at improving living conditions in border areas in July 2024. The projects will be implemented throughout 2024-2025 with the overall funding of almost 635 000 EUR.

All these efforts will ultimately increase capacities of the populations residing in the border areas, improve their economic and personal well-being, and positively affect living conditions on the community level.

The funded projects target migration prone border areas of Central Asian states such as Tursunzade and Shahrinav rayons of republican subordination and Sughd and Khatlon regions in Tajikistan; Batken, Osh, Zhalal-Abad and Talas regions in Kyrgyzstan; Turkestan region in Kazakhstan; Lebap and Dashoguz provinces in Turkmenistan; and Tashkent region in Uzbekistan.

Most selected projects build capacities of local vulnerable populations in the domain of entrepreneurship, digital and economic empowerment strongly focusing on women left behind by migrants. They also include solid activities to raise awareness about the perils of irregular migration and prevention of trafficking in human beings, providing legal assistance to protect migrants’ rights. Many actions have strong components of cooperation with local authorities and building NGO networks to effectively improve services available to the border communities. Two projects specifically support children left behind expanding access to psycho-social services. Whereas some projects aim at conducting research activities on the challenges faced by local communities in the border areas to further contribute to evidence-based policy response.

NGOs are change agents and thus supporting organisations working in the border areas is of a critical importance for the improvement of well-being of the local population, their economic development and promotion of human rights.

We are happy to closely work with Central Asian NGOs who do a tremendous work in the border regions assisting migration-affected population and improving their living conditions. It is already a second round of BOMCA grants, which provides EU funding for the important initiatives in the region, and we could certainly see positive changes and tangible impact.
comments Ms. Ekaterina Belukova, Component 4 Leader.