Advances in Border Management: Digitalisation trends and emerging technologies

Working Paper

Published February 2025


Technological advancements are reshaping border management across the EU and beyond. In this ICMPD Working Paper, the authors examine the current state-of-the-art in border management technologies, assessing both their operational benefits and the risks they pose. It provides an overview of the latest advancements and trends in this regard, as related to its role in contemporary border management, with a specific focus on their application within the EU. 

Drawing on expert discussions ICMPD has convened or participated in across international and regional fora, this paper analyses these technological developments as related to their functionality for border management processes (border surveillance and pre-screening; risk analysis, nowcasting, early warning, and forecasting; database management and interoperability; and process facilitation). It also highlights key findings and takeaways policymakers and practitioners should take into account as they consider integrating new technological advancements in their border management strategies.

Irregular pathways: Probing migration dynamics in Iraq and the significance of information campaigns


Published May 2024


#Irregular Migration


This study aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the research project conducted in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq between October 2023 and February 2024.

Engaging Return Migrants in Information Campaigns in Iraq: Challenges, Reintegration, and Prospects


Published May 2024


#Return and Reintegration #Irregular Migration


This report investigates the migration and reintegration experiences of Iraqi returnees, their influence on other people’s decisions about migration, and their potential role in the implementation of migration information campaigns. It does so in the framework of the Migration information and awareness raising on the risks of irregular migration in Iraq (MIRAMI) project, which aims, among other things, at increasing awareness on safe and legal migration and reducing irregular migration from Iraq through changes in perceptions and behaviour of potential migrants as well as of the key influencers of their decisions.

Charting Pathways: Navigating migration prospects among youth in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Policy Brief

Published May 2024


#Reintegration #Irregular Migration


This policy brief examines the migration intentions and informational landscapes of potential Kurdish irregular migrants, emphasising the information gaps and needs, especially about migration pathways and risks. 
