ICMPD Migration Outlook 2025


Published January 2025


In 2025, the political world and the world of migration will continue to experience high levels of volatility. This will be marked by systemic rivalry between the world’s great powers, a polynodal international order, greater state fragility, an increasing number of violent conflicts, rising terrorism, the weaponisation of energy and food insecurity. Below are the ten key migration issues to look out for in 2025 that can shape international migration.

Integrating youth perspectives in migration policy processes – Diaspora Youth Recommendations


Published July 2024

#Migration and Development #Governance #Diaspora and Migrants


This publication presents recommendations from diaspora youth on including youth perspectives in migration policy processes. It is the result of a co-drafting process between youth diaspora representatives, organised by the EU Global Diaspora Facility, and covers recognition of youth expertise, access to funding and inclusion in governance structures.

ICMPD Annual Report 2023


Published May 2024


The Annual Report takes stock of the milestones, opportunities and challenges in the past year, along with recurring issues that have surfaced to reshape the migration discourse.

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2024


Published January 2024


ICMPD’s Migration Outlook presents a brief analysis of recent migration and policy trends and provides an outlook on developments and events to watch out for in 2024.

Influencing from a distance: Are diaspora members effective as “credible messengers” in migration information campaigns?

Policy Brief

Published May 2022


Migration information campaigns have become a popular policy mechanism amongst donors and implementers to deter irregular migration. With the increasing number of information campaigns introduced in countries of origin, attention is also being focused towards the design of these campaigns, including considerations on engaging people that can act as “credible messengers” or “key influencers” to convey the content of the campaign. It is in this line that campaign funders and designers are exploring the potential of involving diaspora members as messengers in information campaigns. Backed by a dedicated research study on diaspora engagement in information campaigns under the PARIM project, this policy brief questions the assumptions behind engaging diaspora members as “credible messengers”. One major assumption is that since potential migrants rely on friends and family abroad for their migration process, following the same principle, they would be more receptive to information received through diaspora members in campaigns. However, this policy brief argues that diaspora members engaged in campaigns are imperfect proxies for potential migrants’ friends and family abroad. With this caveat, it presents certain considerations to take into account when designing a migration information campaign that involves diaspora members as messengers.

Engaging Diasporas in Information Campaigns on Migration


Published November 2021


Conference "Enhancing Cooperation with Business Diaspora in Austria, Switzerland and Germany"


Published June 2021



On 16 June 2021, ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger opened the LinkUp Serbia conference



Published May 2021

#Diaspora Engagement #Diaspora Association


The Africa overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 41 African countries, including relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: Africa. Regional Series. EUDiF.



Published May 2021

#Diaspora Engagement #Diaspora Association


The Asia overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 16 countries in Asia to study relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: Asia. Regional Series. EUDiF.

EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: Middle East


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Engagement #Diaspora Association


The Middle East overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 5 Middle East countries to study relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: Middle East. Regional Series. EUDiF.

EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: Latin America & the Caribbean


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Association #Diaspora Engagement


The LAC overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 24 LAC countries to study relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: Latin America & the Caribbean. Regional Series. EUDiF.

EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: The Pacific


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Association #Diaspora Engagement


The Pacific overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 12 Pacific countries, including relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Porteret, A. (2021) Diaspora engagement: The Pacific. Regional Series. EUDiF.

EUDIF DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT Regional Series: Eastern Europe & Central Asia


Published May 2021

#Diaspora Association #Diaspora Engagement


The EECA overview of diaspora engagement is one of a six-part regional series analysing diaspora engagement around the world. It draws on knowledge gathered during the mapping of 10 EECA countries to study relevant policy and institutional frameworks, trends, good practices and recommendations at regional level.


Tittel-Mosser, F. (2021) Diaspora engagement: EECA. Regional Series. EUDiF.

Building Bridges – Capacity building on migration and the MIgration EU eXpertise Initiative 2009-2019


Published December 2020



The publication provides readers with a comprehensive analysis of the features and impact of the MIEUX Initiative, including a review of its practices, which have been developed, piloted, adjusted and calibrated to the priorities and interests of all the stakeholders involved during its first decade of operations (2009 – 2019).

ENIGMMA 2 Case Study: Georgian Diaspora in Greece, Italy and Spain


Published July 2019

Georgia / Greece / Italy / Spain
