
ICMPD runs around 90 projects. Use the filters below to get an overview.

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CORE-UA: Comprehensive Resilience Support for Displaced Persons from Ukraine

Germany / Austria / Ukraine

Capacity Development / Diaspora and Migrants / Policy / Legal and Labour Migration


Austria / Canada / Germany / Ghana / India / Indonesia / Morocco / Netherlands / Nigeria / Philippines / Poland / Ukraine

Governance / Legal and Labour Migration / Partnerships / Development

EU4IBM-Resilience: EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine – Resilience


Border Management and Security / Capacity Development

RRR – MFA/SMS: Resilience, Reinforcement and Recovery of Ukrainian Migration and Consular Services

Ukraine / Poland / Czechia / Germany

Capacity Development / Governance

MOMENTA 2: Migration Media Training Academy

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Georgia / Moldova (Republic of) / Ukraine

Cross Cutting Topics / Migration Narratives and Public Opinion

MPF: Migration Partnership Facility

*Global / Armenia / Belarus / Belgium / Bulgaria / Egypt / Estonia / France / Georgia / Hungary / India / Italy / Jordan / Latvia / Lithuania / Moldova (Republic of) / Morocco / Netherlands / Nigeria / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Senegal / Slovakia / Spain / Sweden / Tunisia / Ukraine

Asylum and International Protection / Border Management and Security / Integration and Social Cohesion

EU4IBM: EU Support to Strengthening IBM in Ukraine


Border Management and Security

PP DATA: Prague Process: Dialogue, Analyses and Training in Action

Albania / Armenia / Austria / Azerbaijan / Belgium / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czechia / Denmark / Estonia / Finland / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Ireland / Italy / Kazakhstan / Kosovo* / Kyrgyzstan / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malta / Moldova (Republic of) / Montenegro / Netherlands / North Macedonia / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Tajikistan / Türkiye / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / Uzbekistan

Prague Process / Mobility Partnership

AMID-Ukraine: Assistance to Manage Internal Displacement in Ukraine


Capacity Development / Migration and Development / Return and Reintegration

EaP-SIPPAP: EaP Cooperation in the Fight against Irregular Migration – Supporting the Implementation of the PP Action Plan

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Georgia / Belarus / Ukraine / Moldova (Republic of)

Irregular Migration

EaP IBM FIT: Eastern Partnership – IBM Flagship Initiative Training Project

Armenia / Azerbaijan / Belarus / Georgia / Moldova (Republic of) / Ukraine

Capacity Development

Heroine Route Phase II

Azerbaijan / Armenia / Romania / Bulgaria / Iran (Islamic Republic of) / Türkiye / Kazakhstan / Turkmenistan / Russian Federation / Ukraine

Capacity Development
