JEMPAS: Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

#Capacity Development

Jordan / Hungary / Bulgaria / Romania / Portugal / Poland
January 2016 to June 2019
The European Union
Implementing Agency


The objective of the project is to support the implementation of the Mobility Partnership between the EU and Jordan with a specific focus on strengthening the capacity of the government to develop and implement their national migration policy.

Specific objectives:

Strengthen the capacities of Jordan to more effectively reach out and engage with Jordanian expatriates.
Enhance the effort of relevant authorities to prevent trafficking in human beings, and increase the prosecution of traffickers and provide protection and assistance to victim of trafficking. 
Summary: JEMPAS is a technical assistance project with the overall aim to support the implementation of the Mobility Partnership (MP) between the EU and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan . Both parties signed the MP in October 2014.

Following the signature of the MP, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Development and Cooperation earmarked the amount of 2,5 million Euros for a project in support of the MP with Jordan. The project developed by ICMPD in close cooperation with the Jordanian authorities is built around two thematic components:  a) engagement with Jordanian expatriates abroad and b) addressing trafficking in human beings.  

In keeping with the partnership approach, JEMPAS will benefit from close coordination and peer-to-peer exchanges between the Jordanian authorities and experts from the involved EU Member States’ administrations, namely Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Portugal and Romania.


Main activities:

Component I 

Developing an Expatriate Profile featuring information on Jordanian expatriates their geographic distribution, socio-demographic profile,  skills level, capital, type of migration, etc. and  strengthening the government’s capacity to  collect data and information on expatriates
Boosting expatriate outreach (Pillar 1) through development of an online platform and communication plan for better outreach to expatriates
Improve services to expatriates (Pillar 2) through development of a training of trainers programme on outreach and services provision to expatriates for key government staff and the organisation of an outreach event
Develop a new engagement strategy  (Pillar 3) and support government capacity to develop, implement and monitor expatriate engagement strategies and action plans. 

Component II 

Enhancing the capacities of labour inspectors to combat and detect cases of Trafficking in Human Beings THB (Pillar 1) through development of a training curriculum and indicators of trafficking for the Ministry of Labour, technical capacity building training and a study visit to an EU MS. 
Supporting the process to develop a new anti-trafficking strategy/ action plan (Pillar 2) through an assessment of the previous strategy and drafting of a new strategy through multi-stakeholder consultation.
Building the capacities of law enforcement agencies in the anti-trafficking field (Pillar 3) through information seminars and capacity building workshops of victim identification and a study visit to an EU MS. 
Supporting the implementation of the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) for trafficked persons (Pillar 4) through development of Standard Operating Procedures to implement the NRM and support Jordanian government ministries capacity to implement the SOPs.
