IBM Tunisia II: Support Programme to Integrated Border Management in Tunisia – Phase II

#Border Management and Security

December 2018 to December 2019
The German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Implementing Agency
ICMPD Tunis Office


Objective: The overall objective is to contribute to building the capacity for protection, surveillance and border control of the Tunisian border agencies, while facilitating the movement of legitimate travelers and goods.

The specific objectives are:

1) To strengthen the institutional capacity of the Tunisian border agencies,
2) to improve the efficiency and security of border agency staff,
3) to reinforce the three pillars of the Integrated Border Management concept in Tunisia.

The programme will support the achievement of these objectives through the implementation of the following three components:

1. Preparation for the establishment of “Border” inter-agency training centres in the North and in the South of Tunisia.
2. Extension of the local operational rooms of the Border Police Directorate of the General Directorate for National Security (DFE) and of the local watch of the Border Guard General Directorate of the National Guard (DGGF), as well as the creation of a Central operation Room and pilot local operational rooms for Customs.
3. Facilitation of commercial transit and passenger crossing (extension of the “Smart Traveller” mobile Customs application.