THBResearchLab-Türkiye: Research on Child Trafficking and Labour Trafficking in Türkiye to Support Evidence-Based Policy Formulation and DGMM Decisions on Türkiye's Anti-Trafficking Response

#Research #Trafficking in human beings

Duty Stations
Ankara, Türkiye
September 2020 to March 2022
British Embassy, Ankara


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the evidence base to inform policy formulation and decisions concerning Türkiye’s fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) with regards to child and labour trafficking through the research conducted in the selected provinces, focusing on both the Syrians and Turkish nationals as well as to catalyze their implementation through targeted capacity building.


This research project mainly aims to enhance the knowledge base on child and labour trafficking in Türkiye to inform policy formulation and decisions concerning Türkiye’s fight against trafficking in human beings

The THBResearchLab-Türkiye project aims to put the evidence-based data/findings at the disposal of policymakers and DGMM to inform policy formulation and decisions concerning Türkiye’s fight against human trafficking with regard to child and labour trafficking. This research will be conducted at the nine pilot provinces in Türkiye (namely Istanbul, Hatay, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Kilis, Adana, İzmir, Konya and Bursa) through employing mixed (quantitative and qualitative) research methodologies and the findings together with their action-oriented recommendations will be submitted to the DGMM as a report. The main target group of the project is the Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs) and Turkish nationals. Concerning the labour trafficking dimension of the research, agriculture and industry sectors will be focused upon. Based on the findings, targeted capacity building activities will be realized through which it will be contributed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of the key actors in line with the 4P approach (Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Partnerships) in the fight against THB.

Research on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings project aims to significantly enhance the knowledge base on child trafficking and labour trafficking in Türkiye in order to act to prevent and respond to trafficking in human beings (THB) in this context. The research will contribute in increasing the reliability of data to inform actions to address THB and vulnerability to trafficking among Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs) and Turkish nationals, and to support evidence-based policy and operational responses and DGMM decisions on Türkiye’s anti-trafficking response. 


Project Team

Özge Hassa

Project Manager

Gülerhan Tosun

Project Assistant
