DCIM Phase 2: Programme for the Enhancement of Anti-trafficking Responses in South-Eastern Europe: Data Collection and Information Management - Phase 2: Data Processing, Maintenance and Analysis

#Capacity Development #Research #Trafficking in human beings

Albania / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Croatia / Kosovo* / North Macedonia / Montenegro / Serbia
September 2008 to August 2010
Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Europol, SECI Centre, Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur, MARRI Regional Centre and IOM
Implementing Agency


Objective: The DCIM Phase 2 project aimed to extend continued technical support to the 12 dedicated participating institutions from the preceding project. Specifically, the project aimed to ensure that the participating institutions are able to better analyze the data, assess the real scope of the trafficking problem and thus, have the basis for the development of more effective interventions and policies. The project also contributed to the deepening of the degree of cooperation between countries in the region in terms of exchanging data and increased the transfer of records relevant to THB.

The 21-month "Programme for the Enhancement of Anti-trafficking Responses in South-Eastern Europe, Data Collection and Information Management (DCIM) – Phase 2: Data Processing, Maintenance and Analysis" was the follow-up project to DCIM Phase I. It combined capacity building relevant to the presentation, maintenance and analysis of the information contained in the databases, with a study concerning the transnational exchange of THB records. A feasibility study was produced on the possibility of exchanging records through a module to be integrated into the existing DCIM software, which would be carried out in a future project, should it be deemed legally feasible.