Based on the surveys FIMAS, FIMAS+INTEGRATION and FIMAS+INTEGRATION 2 the project FIMAS+YOUTH continues the fourth wave of the Austrian longitudinal study on integration trajectories of refugees. The aim of the FIMAS project series is to follow and present the integration processes of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. The focus of the project is on labour market integration and those factors that facilitate or hamper it. The central research focus of the project is to examine the situation of young people with regard to their chances of labour market integration. Consequently, the knowledge about the factors contributing to a successful and sustainable labour market participation will be broadened.
The overall sample comprises a panel component following the first respondents from 2016/2017 (FIMAS), 2017/2018 (FIMAS+INTEGRATION) and 2018/2019 (FIMAS+INTEGRATION2) as well as a refresher sample. The survey sample includes 3650 recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection of working age from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.