On September 10, 2024, the EU-funded India-EU Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility (CDMM) project co-implemented by ICMPD, held a Student Mobility Workshop in New Delhi, India. The workshop, focused on facilitating student mobility and understanding the ‘dichotomy’ of using educational consultants.
To facilitate safe, legal and orderly migration and to address challenges related to irregular migration within the EU-India migration corridor, the European Commission and the Government of India signed the Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility (CAMM) in 2016. In support of the joint objectives outlined in the CAMM, Phase I of the India-EU Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility project was carried out from 2017 to 2022. The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) co-implemented the project, alongside the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and a local partner- the India Centre for Migration (ICM).
The project focused on operationalizing the objectives laid out within the EU-India Common Agenda for Migration Management (India- EU CAMM), through activities in support of better management of mobility, legal migration, as well as to prevent and address the challenges related to irregular migratory flows, and enhance the developmental impact of the EU-India migration corridor for host and communities of origin. As part of the dialogue project, ICMPD – in conjunction with local partners and stakeholders - has facilitated several policy-focused exchanges for officials, hosted peer-to-peer sharing of best practices, and produced a wealth of knowledge-based tools on various topics including migration data, diaspora engagement, student mobility, and on preventing irregular migration.During Phase I, 35+ government meetings, 20 knowledge products and over 40 communication products were delivered.
With a view towards sustaining the achievements of the project and continue supporting the India-EU migration and mobility dialogue and cooperation, a second phase was launched in October 2023. Phase 2 will be implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA), with a focus on commitments outlined within the CAMM that relate to regular and irregular migration and mobility.
Phase 2 has two key outcomes:
- Strengthening legal migration pathways along the EU-India corridor
- Reinforcing institutional capacity and improving awareness of irregular migration and its risks
The project will offer a platform for operational cooperation that engages representatives of the EU, EU Member States and the Government of India and its States, the private sector, workers’ organizations, civil society, academia and migrants within India and EU Member States.
Project Outputs and Documents
EU-India Initiatives in Skilling and Mobility for the ICT Sector- This report attempts to outline key drivers that are boosting the growth of the ICT workforce in India, and how this could potentially be leveraged to facilitate labour migration to the EU, specifically in the ICT sector.
EU Blue Card Checklist (pdf) - The following checklist (developed with the latest information available as of May 2024), serves as a tool for highly qualified workers from India to work in a European Union Member State under the EU Blue Card scheme.
India-EU Migration and Mobility Flows & Patterns-Baseline Report (pdf) - This Statistical Baseline Report aims at providing an evidence-based assessment on the migration situation from India to the EU. It takes stock of the available data and identifies data gaps, analyse emerging mobility trends, stocks and flows in a concise and internationally comparable manner in order to improve evidence on migration.
Study on Indian diaspora in Germany (pdf) - This study on Indian diaspora in Germany offers an insight into major migration trends and patterns between India and Germany. Based on in-depth interviews with Indian migrants in Germany and experts in a variety of fields, the study offers an overview of the key characteristics of Indian diaspora, highlighting their achievements, contributions and needs
India-EU Diaspora Engagement Best Practices Compendium (pdf) - This compendium brief offers a collection of best practices undertaken by the Government of India (GoI) and at the European Union (EU)-level by Indian diaspora associations, Indian Embassies, and EU member state authorities to engage with Indian diaspora living in Europe
Checklist for Indian Students - Prepare your Study in Europe (pdf) - Free resource for Indian students orienting their future study plans to the EU
COVID-19 Update:
With the current COVID-19 pandemic episode, international movements are highly disrupted. Applicants are requested to be in touch with the consular section of the relevant EU country to check the likeliness of their future travel plans.
Checklist for EU Students/Researchers coming to India- This checklist aims to assist students and researchers from the European Union coming to India, in finding answers to useful questions in preparation for each step of their mobility process i.e. preparatory phase, pre-departure phase and post-arrival phase, through free and reliable resources. It also aims to guide them with the necessary tips and advice to navigate through the various challenges commonly associated with student mobility to India.
Study on Indian diaspora in Ireland (pdf) - The study presents a snapshot of the current situation of Indians who are living and working across Ireland. It also identifies the potential for future Ireland-India cooperation, and how the Indian diaspora in Ireland can be supported.
Podcast supporting EU-India student mobility - The EU - along with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), Ministry of External Affairs- India, the ILO, and ICM- has put together a series of conversation with students, educational agents, embassy officials, European universities, and international organisations, on student mobility between India and the EU. Download, share, and listen to the different perspectives, ideas, and tips, to help you enjoy a safe and informed student experience.
University Reference Tool (pdf) - Free resource for EU universities seeking to develop relationships with Educational Consultants in India and recruit Indian students to pursue academic work within the EU.
India-EU Migration Governance: Maximizing the Development Impact of Migration and Mobility (pdf) - Drafted on the basis of discussion held between the EU and India during the ILO-ICMPD facilitated High Level Migration Governance Seminar in July 2019
India-EU Migration Governance: Regular Migration and Well-Managed Mobility (pdf) -Policy Brief on the basis of discussions held between the EU and India during the ILO-ICMPD facilitated High Level Migration Governance Seminar in July 2019
India-EU talent mobility: Information technology sector (pdf) - Policy Brief on the basis of a Virtual Exchange convened by ILO, with representatives of IT industry & NASSCOM that took place in April 2020
India-EU talent mobility: Entrepreneurship (pdf) -Policy Brief on the basis of an India - EU Seminar on Talent Mobility, convened by ILO, with representatives of growing business sectors in the India-EU corridor that took place in June 2019
India-EU talent mobility: Automotive sector (pdf) Policy Brief on the basis of an India-EU Seminar on Talent Mobility, convened by ILO, with representatives of growing business sectors in the India-EU corridor that took place in June 2019
India-EU Migration Governance: Preventing and Tackling Irregular Migration (pdf) -Policy Brief on the basis of discussions held between the EU and India during the ILO-ICMPD facilitated High Level Migration Governance Seminar in July 2019
Report on EU-India Virtual Seminar on Migration Data- Under the aegis of EU-India Cooperation and Dialogue on Migration and Mobility (EU-India CDMM) project, International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) held the first ‘Virtual Seminar on Migration Data’ on the 16th of December 2021. The key objectives of the virtual seminar were to promote discussion and exchange on migration data in the EU-India migration corridor and to share the key findings and observations from the EU-India Migration Statistical Baseline Report, published in 2021.The event gathered over 30 participants, including policy makers from relevant government agencies/services in India and the EU, EU member state representatives (in New Delhi and back in their respective capitals), representatives from international organisations (such as IOM India, UN DESA) and select members of academia/civil society.The report summarizes the key discussion points and recommendations from the virtual seminar
Report on Virtual Launch of Study 'Indian Diaspora in Ireland' (pdf) - In an effort to disseminate the key findings and recommendations of the study on 'Indian diaspora in Ireland', a virtual launch was organised on 26th February 2021. Over 60 participants registered for the event, representing government authorities in India and Ireland, the European Commission, Inter-Governmental Organisations, private sector/ business associations, diaspora associations, think tanks, and academic institutions. The report summarizes the key discussions and recommendations from the event.
Webinar- EU-India Remittances and the Impact of Covid-19 (pdf) - In an effort towards facilitation of dialogue to assist with cost-effective flow of remittances and their development effect, under the EU-India CDMM Project, ICMPD organised a webinar on EU-India remittances corridor gathering stakeholders from the European Commission, World Bank, Reserve Bank of India, Central Banks from Key EU member States, relevant Government of India representatives, and industry leaders (Money Transfer Operators or Digital).
Seminar of Sharing of Good Practices on Migration Governance (pdf) - Key observations of the ILO-ICMPD facilitated High Level Migration Governance Seminar held in New Delhi, in July 2019. The seminar addressed three key priority areas of the India EU Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility – better organizing and promoting regular migration, preventing and combatting irregular migration and maximizing the development impact of migration. Government stakeholders and technical experts shared good practices from India and the EU addressing these three pillars
Visual Illustration of mobility patterns between EU and India. Developed under the EU-India CDMM project by ICMPD and ILO.
- Data on overseas Indians in the EU-28
- First Residence Permits issued to Indians within the EU-28
- First Residence Permits issued to Indians for employment in 2016
- Migration and Development- Remittances
- Infographic- Irregular Migration
Video: India-EU CDMM Project Closing Seminar
Video:Skill and Qualification Recognition paramount in EU-India Migration
Video: Future is Made in Finland, Episode 1-ICMPD Check-list for students planning to study within the EU
Video: Actions & tools for a responsible mobility of Indian students towards the EU/ Italy
Video: Actions & tools for a responsible recruitment of Indian students toward the EU/Italy
Project Team
Naozad Hodiwala
Country Coordinator - India
Dr. Surabhi Singh
Liaison Officer India
Ameen Arimbra
Associate Project Officer

India-EU CDMM Team
ICMPD Brussels Mission
Rue Belliard, 159
1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 416 20 33