IBM Lebanon: Enhanced Capability for Integrated Border Management in Lebanon

#Border Management and Security

January 2016 to December 2018
The programme is funded by the European Union and supported by the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark
Implementing Agency
ICMPD (in collaboration with 5 beneficiary agencies: the Lebanese Armed Forces; the Internal Security Forces, the Directorate General of the General Security, the Directorate General of the Lebanese Civil Defence, and the Lebanese Customs Administration)


IBM Lebanon aims to provide support to the Lebanese authorities in securing and controlling borders, increasing the security of its citizens, promoting regional stability and facilitating trade, development and human contact.

The second and current phase of IBM Lebanon strives to support strengthening the resilience of Lebanon’s security institutions to withstand internal and external pressures and shocks, and to reinforce the role they can play as drivers of stability and national cohesion.

There will be continued and intensified support to the implementation of the jointly developed and agreed IBM Strategy. The first module will further develop action planning and coordination at strategic and operational levels. Module two will assist border management co-ordination capabilities by supporting dedicated operation rooms, risk analysis, early warning, pre-arrival and analysis systems. The third module concerns development of agency systems for on-going enhancement of operational capacity, through support to training systems, infrastructure and equipment. Module four will support systems for the establishment and maintenance of professional standards in border management. The final module focuses on implementation of a ‘state-of-the-art’ border management IT system, through the supply of telecommunications equipment, software and hardware, mobilisation of technical expertise and implementation of standard operating procedures.