IMED: Developing the Iraqi Government’s knowledge and expertise in migration governance

#Capacity Development #Cross Cutting Topics #Diaspora and Migrants #Governance

Aim of the project

IMED aims to engage key decision makers from multiple ministries in Iraq in forging solid and future-oriented migration partnerships with European counterparts (with initial focus on Switzerland), ultimately bringing Iraqi governmental institutions on the same wavelength as European counterparts when it comes to migration cooperation.
The Project facilitates more constructive, efficient and action-oriented migration dialogue for the future. The long term aim of fostering deeper and wider European engagement with Iraqi decision makers through Swiss support requires upgrading the expertise, knowledge base, and technical expertise of key decision makers within the Iraqi Government sector; hence the initial focus on educational and training elements.

November 2020 to May 2022
Swiss State Secretariat for Migration (SEM)

Saad Ur Rehman Khan

Project Manager
