BMP Maghreb: Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region

#Border Management and Security #Border Management and Security

Morocco / Tunisia
August 2018 to August 2024
European Union
Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Italy (Tunisia Component)
Implementing Agency
European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Stability and Addressing Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced Persons in Africa - North Africa Window


The BMP Maghreb programme aims are to mitigate vulnerabilities arising from irregular migration and to combat irregular migration. The action aims to do so by enhancing the institutional framework of Morocco and Tunisia to protect, monitor and manage the borders, while ensuring the free movement of bona fide travelers and goods.


The BMP Maghreb programme focuses on providing support to the strengthening of border management capacities of national border agencies and related entities in Morocco and Tunisia that are engaged in front-line border management. The overall objective of the programme is to mitigate vulnerabilities arising from irregular migration and to combat irregular migration. BMP Maghreb programme seeks to contribute to the progressive establishment of rights-based procedural frameworks on border management, including more effective coordination and cooperation mechanisms, by providing equipment and training.


The Programme currently consists of two National components

  • In Morocco: actions undertaken within this component aim at strengthening capacities of main border agencies through the provision of technical equipment in the following domains: border surveillance, document checks, and security, transport, and mobility capacities.
  • In Tunisia: In cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Interior as Co-Delegate, the initiative aims at strengthening the technical capacities of the Tunisian Coast Guard (Maritime National Guard).

These objectives will be achieved through three key outcomes

  1. Equipment is purchased (including warranties) and delivered to border management authorities.
  2. Border Management Authorities are trained on the use and maintenance of the equipment.
  3. Operational capacities of border agencies are strengthened through capacity building and technical assistance in relation to the procured equipment.

Senior Programme Manager

Mieke Lievens

Senior Programme Manager


This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the ICMPD and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
