Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE)

2010 - As an outcome of the Ministerial Conference held in Brdo – Kranj on 20 October 2010, it was decided that meetings of the Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators from South-East Europe (NATC SEE) would be organised on a regular basis in the framework of the Brdo process, upon the initiative of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia. Considering the strong competence of ICMPD in the area of trafficking in human beings and its long-term cooperation with the countries of SEE, ICMPD was entrusted with the responsibility of serving as the Secretariat for this initiative. 

2011 - Since 2011, ICMPD has supported the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of SEE in the facilitation of regular meetings serving as forums for sharing good practices, discussing the needs of these countries, and identifying areas for potential cooperation in the future. The platform started out as a 'members-only club' exclusively for practitioners in the region; however, over the years it has become an interactive dialogue that involves a pan-European network of experts and professionals, thus enabling the creation and exchange of good practices beyond the usual channels. 

2012 - On the occasion of the 6th EU Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October 2012), the Anti-trafficking Coordinators of SEE agreed upon a joint declaration, which outlines their priorities in combating trafficking in human beings and reflects the synergies between the EU Strategy towards the Eradication of Trafficking in Human Beings 2012–2016 and the progressive efforts made in SEE to tackle the issue. 

2018 - On 16 March 2018, nine Ministers of Interior from South-East Europe (SEE) met at the Brdo Process Ministerial Meeting to adopt a joint-ministerial declaration on regional cooperation to combat trafficking in human beings. ICMPD, as the Secretariat of the Meetings of the NATC SEE, supported participating states to draft the declaration. As well as reaffirming commitment to the protection of victims, prosecution of perpetrators, and prevention of trafficking, the declaration commits adopting countries to establish formal compensation mechanisms for victims, acknowledge the importance of reducing demand for trafficked services, and devote attention to the relevance of internet-based technologies to combat trafficking. 

2020 - On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the NATC SEE, a Strategic Paper 2020-2024 was elaborated. The document takes further the achievements of the Network’s first decade and sets the agenda for the next five years. The document was elaborated with the crucial input of all national anti-trafficking coordinators and was endorsed by the Ministers of Interior of the Brdo Process member states at the Ministerial Meeting held on 4 March 2020. 

Zagreb, June 2024

On 7 June 2024, the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) held its 18th meeting in Zagreb, Croatia. The meeting's focus was on presenting and discussing new policy developments, trends, and priorities in combating trafficking in human beings (THB) that have occurred in the last year at national and European Union (EU) level.

The Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities of the Republic of Croatia hosted the meeting, which was co-organised by the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Slovenia, as Chair of the Network, and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), as the Network's Secretariat.

The objectives of the meeting were set to 1) Present the new policy developments, trends, and priorities in combating THB at the national and sub-regional levels. 2)  Address the latest anti-trafficking developments at a broader regional level, the new EU legislation in the field of combating THB and the monitoring role of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) in the implementation of the Council of Europe (CoE) Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings and its fourth evaluation round. 3) Familiarise the Network members with the future NATC SEE activities in the framework of the new project Regional Frameworks: Learning and Collaboration for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Skopje, May, 2023

On 31 May 2023 the 17th meeting of the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) took place in Skopje, North Macedonia. The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of the Interior of North Macedonia and co-organized by ICMPD and the Ministry of Interior of Slovenia.  The Network representatives discussed new policy developments and priorities in trafficking in human beings in 2023-2024 and explored the revised EU Anti-Trafficking Directive, presented trends in combating trafficking in the region, and reflected on the NATC SEE Strategy Paper 2020-24, outlining strategic priorities for the next cycle.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Budva, June 2022

On 2 June 2022, in Budva, Montenegro, the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) met for their annual meeting. The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Montenegro, with the support of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, the Migration Asylum Refugee Regional Initiative (MARRI), the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in its role of Secretariat of the Network.

The rationale of the meeting was a discussion of the effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the trafficking in human beings in the region based on the network countries’ experience in the past months. Experience in mitigating the risks of human trafficking amidst mass displacement from Ukraine was presented by the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators from Moldova and Romania. Their colleagues from countries along the Western Balkan migration route - North Macedonia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina shared good practices in identifying trafficking victims in humanitarian crises and mixed migration contexts. This year’s meeting provided a platform to exchange between the NATC SEE members on the current situation and to share good practices

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

January 2021

On 26-28 January 2021, the annual meeting of the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) took place. The title and topic of discussion of the meeting were “The Way Ahead: After the 10th Anniversary of the NATC SEE and the 20th Anniversary of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol’’. The host of this year’s meeting was the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator from Romania and the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP), with support from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in its role as the Network’s Secretariat.

The regional meeting marked and celebrated two important anniversaries, the 20th Anniversary of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol and the 10th Anniversary of the NATC SEE, in order to take stock of the achievements of the previous two decades and set the way ahead for the next years. The event brought together anti-trafficking practitioners from the SEE and beyond, as well as criminal justice practitioners (investigators, prosecutors and judges) tasked with investigating and prosecuting trafficking in persons and organized crime in the NATC SEE members. 

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

December 2021

On 06 December 2021, a joint virtual meeting of the EU Network of National Rapporteurs and/or Equivalent Mechanisms against trafficking in human beings and the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe took place. The meeting was opened by the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator, Ms. Diane Schmitt, and Ms. Tina Princes Damjanovič, the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator of the Republic of Slovenia.

The goal of the meeting was to bring a new momentum in the collaboration between the anti-trafficking stakeholders in South-East Europe, particularly in Western Balkans, and those from the EU and its Member States. The Network of Anti-trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) was, Ms. Tjasa Skreblin, who is the head of the Anti-Trafficking Office in the Ministry of the Interior in the Republic of Slovenia presented the informative action of the NATC SEE to address the impunity of offenders. The Head of the ICMPD’s Anti-Trafficking Programme, Ms. Melita Gruevska Graham, presented the Non-paper: Towards integrated anti-trafficking responses of European Union Member States and Western Balkans.

Documents: Agenda

April 2020

On 15 April 2020, the annual meeting of the Network of the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South-East Europe (NATC SEE) met online to discuss the Impact of COVID-19 on Trafficking in Human Beings. The format of the meeting was a virtual tour de table with presentations and reflections of all the participants regarding the current situation in the NATC SEE members. Specifically, the Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of the SEE region provided feedback on two questions: 1) How the Coronavirus pandemic has affected (if at all) the antitrafiking efforts, including access to assistance and protection for victims of trafficking? and 2) Is the implementation of additional measures aimed at protecting migrants and trafficked persons in the response to COVID-19 planned?

Documents: Agenda 

Ljubljana, March 2020

On 3 March 2020, a meeting of the NATC SEE was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on the margins of the Brdo Ministerial Meeting.  The meeting marked the 10th anniversary of the Network. The Meeting was organised by the Anti-Trafficking Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, with support from the ICMPD in its role as the Network’s Secretariat.

The main topic of discussion during the meeting was the developed Strategy Paper 2020-2024 and the way forward. Ms. Melita Gruevska Graham, Head of ICMPD’s Anti-Trafficking Programme, presented the Strategy Paper followed by a discussion of the future setting of the Network:  financial framework, choosing chairing country for 2020, and the possible cooperation with other organisations in the region. The Anti-Trafficking Coordinators concluded the meeting by reporting on the latest developments in the field of combating trafficking in human beings in the SEE region. The Strategy Paper 2020-2024 was endorsed by the ministers of interior of the Brdo Process member states at the Ministerial Meeting held on 4 March 2020.

DocumentsAgenda Strategy Paper 2020-2024 

Becici, May 2019

On 29-30 May 2019, a closed meeting of the Network of Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South East Europe (NATC SEE) was held in Becici, Montenegro. The meeting was organized by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in its role as Secretariat of the NATC SEE, on the margins of the Meeting of the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinators in South-East Europe organized by the Permanent Mission of the French Republic to the International Organisations in Vienna, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Council of Europe (CoE) and ICMPD. The meeting was hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings of Montenegro.

The main purpose of the meeting was the presentation and discussion of the on-going and planned anti-trafficking activities in SEE, as well as identifying the priorities for 2020. In addition, the findings and policy recommendations of the STRIVE Study, ‘’The Strength to Carry On’’ were presented and there was a discussion among the Anti-Trafficking coordinators present on the implementation of the Recommendations.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Brdo, March 2018

Nine ministers of the Interior from South-East Europe (SEE) met at the Brdo Process Ministerial Meeting, on 16 March 2018, to adopt a Joint-Ministerial Declaration on regional cooperation to combat trafficking in human beings. ICMPD, as the Secretariat, supported participating states to draft the declaration and continues to facilitate regional cooperation against trafficking.

The joint ministerial declaration marks the continuation of sustained focus by governments in the region to work in partnership to combat trafficking in human beings. As well as reaffirming commitment to the protection of victims, prosecution of perpetrators, and prevention of trafficking, the declaration commits adopting countries to establish formal compensation mechanisms for victims, acknowledge the importance of reducing demand for trafficked services, and devote attention to the relevance of internet-based technologies to combat trafficking. The declaration also makes note of ICMPD’s role in providing expertise and supporting the Network of National Anti-trafficking Coordinators in SEE. The conference was also attended by National Anti-Trafficking Coordinators, senior officials from the European Commission, and International Organisations working in SEE.

Documents: Agenda Joint Declaration of the Ministers of Interior of South-East Europe on Strengthening regional cooperation in SEE to combat trafficking in human beings

Skopje, November 2017

On 13-15 November 2017, a Meeting of the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinators of South East Europe (NATC SEE) was held in Skopje, Macedonia. The meeting was hosted by the NATC of Macedonia. The meeting was co-organised by the ICMPD in its role as Secretariat of the NATC SEE, the Permanent Mission of the French Republic to the International Organisations in Vienna, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The meeting benefited from the attendance of Sweden’s Ambassador at large on the fight against THB, France’s Ambassador at large on transnational organised crime, and the French regional expert on THB.

Outcomes of the meeting included identification of potential support to and involvement of the Network under the forthcoming Bulgarian presidency, the proposal to have a declaration on THB during the next Brdo Process Ministerial Meeting planned for March 2018, as well as a summary of conclusions and recommendations for strengthening Prosecution, National Referral Mechanisms, and International Cooperation within the region.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Vienna, April 2017

On 3 April 2017, the NATC SEE met in Vienna, Austria to discuss a joint strategic agenda for the years 2017 – 2018. The meeting was attended by representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, and the Slovenian Chair, as well as the ICMPD Secretariat. The meeting focused on clarification of the format of the year over the coming years, agreeing on clear priorities for strengthening the role of the Network in both political and capacity development spheres, and pursuing closer involvement from the private sector in the SEE region in combating trafficking.

Tirana, May 2016

On 12 May 2016, the NATC SEE discussed the current and future challenges in the fight against trafficking in human beings (THB), specifically taking into consideration the impact of the current refugee crisis on the vulnerability to THB and exploitation among unaccompanied and separated children in the SEE region. They highlighted the good practices and ongoing anti-initiatives on unaccompanied and separated children in the SEE region, assessed opportunities for future transnational cooperation specifically between SEE countries and other relevant countries outside the region and developed adequate recommendations. The meeting was kindly hosted by the Albanian Ministry of Interior and co-organised by ICMPD (as Secretariat) and OSCE mission in Albania in Tirana, Albania.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Stockholm, November 2015

The NATC SEE and Sweden gathered on 3-4 November in Stockholm, Sweden, to discuss the current and future challenges in the fight against trafficking in human beings, specifically taking into consideration the impact of the current refugee crisis on the vulnerability of the displaced people to trafficking and exploitation. The meeting was hosted by the County Administrative Board of Stockholm (CABS) and co-organised by the ICMPD in the framework of the project “Development of a Transnational Referral Mechanism for Sweden (SE-TRM II)  Targeted support to CABS”.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Vienna, March 2015

For the first time, representatives from Central Europe and the UK joined the meeting of the NATC SEE organised by ICMPD on 30-31 March 2015. Fifteen European countries met to explore and highlight common priorities and shared challenges, such as effective data sharing and exchange processes between national authorities, in order to further develop a regional response to trafficking in human beings. The UK's recently appointed Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Mr. Kevin Hyland, gave a keynote speech, and child protection experts from Terre des Hommes and the UK's NSPCC made presentations about trends and practices of trafficking among vulnerable children in Europe. Ms. Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Convention on Trafficking also spoke on the role of transnational referral mechanisms.

Documents & MediaAgendaMeeting ReportVideo interview with ICMPD Programme Manager Elisa Trossero, Video interview with the UK's Anti-Slavery Coordinator Kevin Hyland  

Istanbul, June 2014

On 25–26 June 2014, the NATC SEE met in Istanbul, Turkey, to share information about efforts to combat trafficking in human beings, as well as to discuss the latest THB trends in the SEE and EU regions with a special focus on national reporting and monitoring mechanisms. Representatives from the Turkish Directorate General for Migration Management joined the meeting.

Documents: Agenda & Meeting Report

Sarajevo, September 2013

On 19 September 2013 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the NATC SEE discussed the coordinated policies and good practices related to combating trafficking in human beings at the EU level, as well as the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. The EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, Ms. Myria Vassiliadou, and the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Ms. Petya Nestorova, attended as guest speakers.


Sofia, March 2013

The NATC SEE met on 11 and 12 March 2013 in Sofia, Bulgaria, to share information about their efforts to combat trafficking in human beings, as well as to discuss their experience in implementing Directive 2011/36/EU.

DocumentsAgenda Meeting Report

Ljubljana, October 2012

The NATC SEE gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 4 October 2012 to discuss how they can contribute to the implementation of the EU strategy. On the occasion of the 6th EU Anti-Trafficking Day on 18 October 2012, the NATCs agreed upon a joint declaration, which outlines their priorities.

DocumentsAgenda Joint Declaration

Bucharest, February 2012

A working lunch of the NATC SEE took place on 28 February 2012 in Bucharest, Romania, in the framework of the final seminar of the project 'Enhancing Transnational Cooperation on Trafficking Cases in South-East Europe (TRM-II)'. For more information on the main topics of discussion during the working lunch and the seminar, see the documents below.

DocumentsAgenda Meeting Report

Belgrade, June 2011

The first meeting of the NATC SEE took place on 8 June 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. The latest trends in THB were discussed with a special focus on street children.

Documents: Meeting Report
