Project News
COVID-19 supplies for Lebanese border and security agencies

25 June 2020

Within the framework of the EU-funded project IBM Phase II in Lebanon, ICMPD facilitated the procurement and delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Lebanese border and security agencies in response to COVID-19 pandemic on 12 June 2020 in Beirut, Lebanon.

Within the framework of the EU-funded project IBM Phase II in Lebanon, ICMPD facilitated the procurement and delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the Lebanese border and security agencies in response to COVID-19 pandemic on 12 June 2020 in Beirut, Lebanon.

Project News
ICMPD helps optimise work of Ukrainian border guards and customs officers

24 June 2020

On June 19, 2020, ICMPD has completed the delivery of two week-long training sessions for the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) and the State Customs Service (SCS) of Ukraine on business process reengineering.

On June 19, 2020, ICMPD has completed the delivery of two week-long training sessions for the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) and the State Customs Service (SCS) of Ukraine on business process reengineering.

In Focus
Interview with ICMPD Director General

24 June 2020

On the occasion of the release of ICMPD's Annual Report 2019, we interviewed the Director General and asked some questions on the way forward in migration policy and his future plans for ICMPD.

On the occasion of the release of ICMPD's Annual Report 2019, we interviewed the Director General and asked some questions on the way forward in migration policy and his future plans for ICMPD.

Project News
MC2CM Hosts a 4-day online peer-learning event

22 June 2020

Between 15 and 18 June 2020, the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration project (MC2CM) hosted a 4-day peer-learning event titled" Communication on Migration: Rebalancing the Narrative to Strengthen Local Governance" with over 50 participants from 22 local administrations across the Euromediterranean region and beyond.

Between 15 and 18 June 2020, the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration project (MC2CM) hosted a 4-day peer-learning event titled" Communication on Migration: Rebalancing the Narrative to Strengthen Local Governance" with over 50 participants from 22 local administrations across the Euromediterranean region and beyond.

Expert Voice
Schengen’s summertime blues

17 June 2020

By 1 July, free movement should once again be a reality within the EU’s passport-free zone, more or less. The Union is re-opening the single market just in time to secure this year’s agricultural production and the tourist season. The big question now is whether and how to re-open to the rest of the world.

By 1 July, free movement should once again be a reality within the EU’s passport-free zone, more or less. The Union is re-opening the single market just in time to secure this year’s agricultural production and the tourist season. The big question now is whether and how to re-open to the rest of the world.

Around the Globe
ICMPD Director General moderates high-level virtual meeting

15 June 2020

Co-organised by the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and ICMPD, hosted by the Turkish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a high-level virtual meeting took place entitled "The Situation of Refugees and Other Displaced Persons during the Pandemic: The Need for International Cooperation".

Co-organised by the Antalya Diplomacy Forum and ICMPD, hosted by the Turkish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a high-level virtual meeting took place entitled "The Situation of Refugees and Other Displaced Persons during the Pandemic: The Need for International Cooperation".

Project News
Pakistan’s FIA officers trained online on irregular migration and border management

12 June 2020

ICMPD delivered the first digital training programme to officers of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan to support the FIA’s Training Academy maintain its operational training in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic to combat trafficking in human beings, prevent irregular migration and efficiently manage Pakistan’s national borders.

ICMPD delivered the first digital training programme to officers of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) of Pakistan to support the FIA’s Training Academy maintain its operational training in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic to combat trafficking in human beings, prevent irregular migration and efficiently manage Pakistan’s national borders.

Expert Voice
Iraq and migration – What challenges face the new administration?

05 June 2020

The country has a promising new government under Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi but faces a range of challenges connected to its large refugee and irregular migrant population.

The country has a promising new government under Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi but faces a range of challenges connected to its large refugee and irregular migrant population.

Project News
New project launched to encourage entrepreneurship of Syrians living in Turkey

04 June 2020

The project "Improving Entrepreneurial Capacity for Sustaniable Socio-Economic Integration" (ENHANCER) is an EU-funded action, aimed at fostering opportunities for entrepreneurs by giving them access to national and global markets.

The project "Improving Entrepreneurial Capacity for Sustaniable Socio-Economic Integration" (ENHANCER) is an EU-funded action, aimed at fostering opportunities for entrepreneurs by giving them access to national and global markets.

Project News
ICMPD provides Ukrainian border guards with protective equipment in response to COVID-19

27 May 2020

On May 26, 2020, ICMPD handed over personal protective equipment to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine who are the first point of contact for travellers entering Ukraine.

On May 26, 2020, ICMPD handed over personal protective equipment to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine who are the first point of contact for travellers entering Ukraine.

Press Release
Germany joins the European migration organisation ICMPD

20 May 2020

Germany becomes the 18th Member State of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Germany becomes the 18th Member State of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Expert Voice
How the COVID-19 ‘Infodemic’ targets migrants

18 May 2020

One of the more sinister aspects of the global pandemic is the spread of deliberately misleading information online. ICMPD’s Regional Office for the Mediterranean considers how disinformation networks work to falsely portray migrants as vectors for the disease.

One of the more sinister aspects of the global pandemic is the spread of deliberately misleading information online. ICMPD’s Regional Office for the Mediterranean considers how disinformation networks work to falsely portray migrants as vectors for the disease.

Project News
First annual review of the TRAFIG project

15 May 2020

The first year of implementation of the Horizon 2020 Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG) research project received an encouraging review by the donor, the European Commission.

The first year of implementation of the Horizon 2020 Transnational Figurations of Displacement (TRAFIG) research project received an encouraging review by the donor, the European Commission.

Project News
COVID-19: ICMPD employees will start to return to their workplaces

13 May 2020

On 12 March the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In order to support the measures being implemented by our host country, the Republic of Austria, and the other countries where ICMPD has duty stations, we took a number of measures to protect our employees and stop the virus from spreading further, including working from home.

On 12 March the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. In order to support the measures being implemented by our host country, the Republic of Austria, and the other countries where ICMPD has duty stations, we took a number of measures to protect our employees and stop the virus from spreading further, including working from home.

Project News
Ukrainian border guards and customs officers optimise operations with support by the EU

13 May 2020

On 7 of May 2020 in Kyiv, ICMPD organized a kick-off meeting on business processes analysis and re-engineering thus launching the optimization process of partners’ functionalities. Expert support to national agencies has been rendered through the European Union Project "EU Support to Strengthening Integrated Border Management (IBM) in Ukraine".

On 7 of May 2020 in Kyiv, ICMPD organized a kick-off meeting on business processes analysis and re-engineering thus launching the optimization process of partners’ functionalities. Expert support to national agencies has been rendered through the European Union Project "EU Support to Strengthening Integrated Border Management (IBM) in Ukraine".
