Project News

SUMMIT project kick-off in Turkey

07 November 2019

The SUMMIT project activities were kicked-off with an international conference on 06 November 2019, titled "Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees to Foster Implementation of the Development-sensitive Migration Policies". A total of 91 representatives from public institutions, private sector, academia and civil society organisations participated to the event.

The "Sustainable Migration Management through supporting Implementation of development sensitive migration policies and Initiatives in Turkey (SUMMIT)" project is aimed to further support the establishment and implementation of an integrated, long-term, development-sensitive and sustainable migration policy framework at central and regional level with the special focus on labour market integration of various groups of migrants and refugees. 

The project is funded by Switzerland for the period August 2019 to August 2021. Counterparts in Turkey are the Directorate General for Migration Management (DGMM), the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (MoFLSS), Presidency of Strategy and Budget, Ministry of Industry and Technology/General Directorate of Development Agencies and relevant regional development agencies.
