As of 2025, JVAP Follow-up has entered a new phase with the launch of an updated website and a revamped data collection platform. This marks a significant milestone for collaboration and transparency in addressing migration among African and European partners.
The Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP) Follow-up was established after the 2015 Valletta Summit on Migration. Funded by the European Union and supported by the JVAP Follow-up Team at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)—via the Support Project to the Africa-EU Dialogue on Migration (MMD)—it leverages implementation data to inform evidence-based policymaking on migration across Africa and Europe.
Driven by a thorough stocktaking exercise in 2024, including an evaluation in coordination with JVAP Partners (African states, European states, European institutions, and international organisations), ICMPD has modernised JVAP Follow-up tools and processes, resulting in a renewed, efficient infrastructure. These improvements—featuring an upgraded website and a more streamlined data collection platform—enhance accessibility and reinforce collective awareness of migration initiatives in the African-European context.
Building on this momentum, JVAP will launch its next data collection cycle in early 2025, further supporting the Khartoum and Rabat Processes in fostering shared knowledge and evidence-informed decision-making for migration governance.
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