Project News

MOBILAZE 2: Study visit to Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia for trainers from Azerbaijan

04 October 2022

Austria, Azerbaijan

On 19-23 September 2022, the MOBILAZE 2 project organised a study visit to Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia for Azerbaijani Border Control Officials. They exchanged on good practices in education, methodology and tools, used in trainings to border service agencies on document security, border management/integrated border management and risk analyses between EU and Azerbaijani colleagues.



Officials from the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan visited ICMPD Headquarters in Vienna and met specialists from the ICMPD Border Management and Security Programme, visited the Joint Coordination Centre between the Austrian and Czech Police, the land border crossing point in Mikulov, the Border Guard School in Holesov (Czech Republic), the Police Academy in Slovakia and the air border crossing point at International Airport in Bratislava.

The activity was organised by the ICMPD Azerbaijan in the framework of the EU-funded “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE 2)” project. The project is supporting relevant stakeholders in the Republic of Azerbaijan 1) to develop institutional capacities on migration policy development and implementation, 2) to institutionalise migration data collection, analysis and application, 3) enhance and standardise institutional procedures for capacity building on migration and border management and integration or refugees, 4) develop institutional and public awareness on migration policy agenda and irregular migration threats.
