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Michael Spindelegger gives key note speech at the National Assembly in Bulgaria

03 October 2019

On Wednesday 2nd October, ICMPD Director General, Michael Spindelegger, gave a key note speech at a conference entitled "Comprehensive Coordination of the Migration Process" which was held at the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The conference aimed to explore the advantages and difficulties posed by the need of a more effective and comprehensive approach to migration management, with a focus on both internal and external dimensions of migration.

Mr. Spindelegger addressed the assembly with a speech which highlighted the importance of breaking the political gridlock in the European Migration Debate and stressed the importance of how, in moving forward, Europe much work together effective for comprehensive migration policies:

"The incoming head of the European Commission Ursula van der Leyen has made clear that migration will be one of the absolute priorities of her presidency. For the first time, there is a Vice President overseeing migration affairs for the whole Commission. This is something we as ICMPD have proposed for a long time and we strongly support this development. The proposals on migration are pragmatic but still ambitious."

The event was co-hosted by Dzhema Grozdanova, Chair Foreign Affairs Committee 44th National Assembly, Plamen Nunev, Chair of the Committee on Internal Security and Public Order in the 44th National Assembly, Paivi Blinnikka, Ambassador of Finland to Bulgaria and ICMPD Director General, Michael Spindelegger.
