Project News

International Conference on Comprehensive Border Governance

29 October 2019

On 23-24 October 2019, ICMPD organised the 2nd International Conference on Comprehensive Border Governance in Yerevan, Armenia. The Conference was attended by the experts with practical and technical professional backgrounds, including those from academia, policy-makers and decision-takers from various public institutions and agencies, as well as private sector representatives working in border governance.

Based on the successful implementation of the 1st International Border Management Conference organised by ICMPD in Lebanon last year, this year’s conference provided a platform for government, organisations and the private sector to jointly discuss challenges, lessons learnt and creative practical and sustainable solutions to urgent border management issues. During the Conference the representatives of border management agencies from the EU, and the Central Asia and Eastern Partnership, sought to identify workable solutions to facilitate cooperation and coordination among traditional border and migration management agencies on national, regional and global levels. Participants had the opportunity to present their daily practices and achievements, exchange views and discuss potential developments in border governance, as a means to address today's threats to global security and prepare for future challenges.

The Conference explored how a step-change from the management of borders towards their comprehensive governance may provide the tools needed to meet modern challenges faced by border management agencies. In particular, the following topics were addressed: 

  • Border management in 2025: what has changed since 2015?
  • Seamless border controls and hybrid security threats: realistic future or commercial advertisements?
  • International technical assistance in border management 